just one day (a) - 3

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they were both now ready and the car keys in jungkook's hand. "let's go." jungkook looks at jimin and tries his best not to cry again as jimin looked at him with a poker (pained and guilty) face before nodding and plastering a small smile on his face. they both start walking out the house, into the car as jungkook starts the engine with a loud roar.

they arrived in a small, but cozy and stylish café near their house; the one they used to always went to for breakfast.

the bell rung in jungkook's eardrums as he pushed the glass door open, the wind from it brushing against his face. they both sat down on their usual place; the one beside the large window and a large statue of a brown bear behind jimin, and ordered their usual. none of them was speaking and the tension between them had lessened and it was just silence between them. jimin was lying if he said he didn't miss this. the days where they would always spend their time with each other all the time. every single hour they had. they both would be lying if they said they didn't miss it.

"...you remember, right?" jungkook suddenly spoke up and it startled jimin and quickly composed himself, replying, "yeah... i miss those days." the words slipped up before jimin could realize and his eyes widened a bit.

jungkook's gaze moved towards jimin and they locked eyes. jungkook's eyes were still puffy and a little slanted, and jimin's eyes looked tired and a little puffy too. jimin broke the eye contact and moves his gaze towards the brown table and starts to play with his fingers. jungkook's gaze follow jimin's eyes and towards jimin's hands and he had the sudden strong urge to hold it so he let his hands slip in jimin's hand.

surprised, jimin looks up at jungkook's face but the only thing he sees is jungkook's side profile as jungkook was looking at the window beside them. jungkook's thumb ghosted over the back of jimin's hand and jimin suddenly felt... safe and felt like there was only both of them in the world and jungkook would protect him no matter what, and at all costs. the feeling he had always felt before their relationship went downhill.


jungkook freezes, realizing he probably made jimin uncomfortable so he immediately lets go of jimin's hand and swallows his saliva. jimin panics as jungkook lets go of his hand, and he fumbles with his hands. "wait, no i meant—"

jimin purses his lips and his shoulders drop in defeat. "d-didn't you want me to let go of your hand...?" jungkook blinks and awkwardly looks at jimin.

"no, i wanted to tell you something. i didn't want you to let go of my hand." jimin mumbles, trying not to show that he was disappointed. they quickly brushed it off as the waiter comes with their orders, placing it on the table as the waiter bows and leaves.

they both ate in silence. none of them was speaking and the silence had a weird tension in it, making jungkook feel uncomfortable and bothered. "jimin," jungkook calls and jimin looks at jungkook. "can we..." he trails off, finding it hard to form words and so he gulps before continuing. "um, can we... pretend like it's just our normal day? l-like i mean, that we are just on a date? together. and not like, like it's our last date together?" jungkook fumbles with his words and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck as he kept pausing his sentences. jimin almost giggles at jungkook's words but it hurt him simultaneously as he realizes it was their last date together.

"yeah, kook. of course." jimin answers with a soft tone and smiles reassuringly.

"i wanted to apologize earlier for... yelling at you just now. i just... couldn't help myself." jungkook's voice found its way to a low mumble and looks down at his empty plate, hating himself because he was the reason jimin was upset and wanted to break up. all of the reasons. he was angry at himself for not dealing with the arguments maturely and correctly. all the regret and guilt pooling in his stomach is too much and he really wishes to turn back in time and fix it before it gets worse, but wishes will only be wishes, right?

"it's alright. i understand how you feel and i'm really sorry for making you feel this way. it's my fault, too. i should've been more mature. i regret all the things i said and did to hurt you, but i think it's best if we end this here. it's hurting me, you, and our friends too. i'm sure they're sick and tired of hearing us argue back and forth." jimin speaks as softly as possible and lets out a broken chuckle at the end. jimin knew jungkook would deny it so before jungkook say anything, he says, "yes, jungkook. it was my fault too. don't deny it. i know you agree with me inside." jimin hangs his head low with a strained smile on his face, and tears starting to sting in the corner of his eyes.

jungkook has to bite his lip hard to prevent himself from crying again. "god, jimin. yes, okay, it's also your fault, whatever, but it's mostly mine. i acted so... childish and immature." jungkook cringes as he speaks. "i should've let go of my pride and talked to you about it, but i didn't. and it was my fault. and i'm so sorry. i'm sorry for everything,"

jungkook is now crying.

"i'm sorry for making you cry. i'm sorry for hurting you, in any ways possible. i'm sorry for making you so sick of me until you want to... break up." jungkook's tears streamed down his face and he felt embarrassed crying in front of jimin once again. sobs were threatening to escape his throat but he presses his lips together to suppress it.

jimin only looks at him with a guilty and hurt expression painted across his face and jungkook continues to cry silently, wiping some but stopped eventually because they just won't stop falling. jimin couldn't bear to look at jungkook's face anymore so he forces himself to look away before he himself starts crying too.

jungkook clenches his fist, angry at himself for crying because it was his fault the relationship turned out this way. it was all his fault. it was all my fault.

"i'm sorry."

"hey, no, jungkook, please stop apologizing." jimin frowns and starts to regret ever thinking of breaking up with the other as jungkook keeps crying. jungkook dabs his face with the back of his hand, never locking eyes with jimin as he was too embarrassed to.

he stops the sudden urge to cry as he tilts his head back and stuck his gaze onto the white ceiling, eyes wide open. tears fell onto jimin's palm unknowingly and jimin swiftly wipes it onto his tight jeans.

"can we— can we go? i- i want to go to our next destination. are you done with your breakfast?" jungkook softly but quickly speaks with a small voice, afraid of cracking his voice again. jimin looks at him with concern before muttering a 'yes', getting up from his seat and walking towards the cash register. jungkook follows from behind as he wipes off the tears from his bloodshot eyes, blinking a couple times to readjust his eyesight.

they argued back and forth to pay for the breakfast they had and jimin had to give in because jungkook sounded adamant so he exhales a breath and took a step back to let the cashier swipe jungkook's credit card.

they both walked side by side as their hand itches to hold each other's, their fingers begging to interwine with each other's as their bodies ache to hold each other's. silence lay upon them as they walked toward jungkook's car, parting ways to get inside the black mercedes.

silence envelopes them once again as jungkook start to drive the car with a loud roar, driving off to their next destination.

hi guys u can find me on twitter @kooniversemin. i post fan fiction and aus there too and im more active there <3

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