|Chapter 41|

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"Now answer me properly because I will really shoot you," the taller girl said looking at irene's beautiful orbs

Irene's body started betraying her and started to shake due to the fear that had taken over her body

"I stopped at 5 right?" Seulgi says slowly lifts her arm and points it back at Irene

"How is this secret important even at a gunpoint?" Seulgi says looking at the shorter girl

"I can't tell you..." irene looks at the taller girl

The gun was pointing towards irene's chest

Seulgi slowly presses down the trigger... a loud bang covered the bathroom making the other girl scream. A crashing sound was created when the mirror got hit by the bullet passing through Irene. The shocked girl looks at her chest and not a single scratch was made. The bullet missed Irene but the older girl knows that Seulgi never misses a shot...

Irene faints due to the shock that she received.

Jimin and Yoongi immediately went inside the room to see Irene on the ground. Jimin sprinted towards irene and carried her with panic to the bed of Seulgi

"Yah...out of all the rooms here... really? My bed like boy really?" Seulgi says

"Stop you literally shot her" Yoongi says

"She needs some rest get out and i'll move her later" jimin says shoving yoongi and seulgi out of the room

"Technically I didn't shoot her. I shot the mirror-_-" seulgi says glaring at yoongi

"Fine fine you didn't shoot her but you pulled the trigger so that is counted" yoongi replied

Yoongi and seulgi continued bickering while jimin struggled pushing the two loud babies. Jimin took out his phone and rang Seulgi's personal doctor.

"Seulgi might have lost her mind" Jimin said under his breath

3 days later

"Eh?" Irene woke up

"Your awake" jimin says smiling towards the smaller girl

"What happened?" Irene asks

"You fainted because seulgi shot you"

"How long have i been sleeping?"

"About 3 days" Seulgi said walking inside her room

"Can i get some privacy jimin?" Seulgi stated

Jimin followed seulgi's orders. Irene planned not to look at Seulgi because of what happened few days ago

"You know i will be leaving for a few days right? That means I wouldn't be able to see you." Seulgi says staring at the other girl. Irene lifted her face to see how pretty seulgi's eyes are compared in the webtoon.

"Here..." Seulgi pulled something out of her jacket

"This is my extra phone.... it's to contact you because the number you gave me was wrong" Seulgi set it beside Irene. Speaking always wasn't always in irene's vocabulary.

"Sorry about what happened...when i shot you" Seulgi said being sincere

"You also have to tell me how the bullet passed through you. I know you are not yet ready to tell me, you can answer me when i come back in a few days. In return i would answer any questions you want me to answer." Seulgi says staring deeply into the other girl's eyes

"You should also stay here because i have a lot of time" Seulgi says crossing her arms

"Y-you want me to live here?" Irene says stuttering

𝗧𝘄𝗼 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱𝘀 | 𝗦𝗲𝘂𝗹𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗲[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now