The next morning I get up when it's still dark outside. I dress, brush my teeth and leave the hotel. As the hotel is in the center of the town, I walk around and visit the more populated areas first. It's unlikely he will be here, but now I at least eliminated it. Next I walk the less populated areas. 

No luck, and at the end of the day I crawl into bed and hope the next day will be the day I find him. It's perfectly possible I will go home, not having found him. I don't want to think about that. Thinking how utterly hurt he is, breaks my heart and I just want to find him and hold him. Reassure him I remember him. 

The way he sounded after the archery challenge, haunts my dreams, and even some of the waking moments. The next three days have the same result and I do lose hope a little. It doesn't discourage me, but I'm scared I have to leave him in his state for longer. 

The morning of the fourth day starts as the first three and as I walk outside, I stop and take a break. It's almost noon and I'm hungry. I see a little cafe, and find a seat when I'm inside. 

The owner is a old little lady and her husband, who is in the kitchen. There is only one other person sitting inside. His back is to me, so I don't pay any attention. The lady comes to me and I ask her to surprise me, naming the things I don't like which aren't so many. 

After telling her husband what I want, I invite her to join me and take a break. We talk about the town and how she loves living here. She is funny and I'm enjoying myself. Suddenly her husband sets a plate before me, and loads the table with side dishes. 

As I eat, the husband joins us and they chat and bicker a little, but the love between them is palpable. It's sweet, and I look fondly at both. I'm so full at the end, and it was the best I've had so far since I'm in korea. I give them a huge tip as I pay, and they thank me, and hope to see me again. 

I exit the little cafe and walk to the right. The city is beautiful but as that is not the reason why I'm here I don't stop to marvel. As I pass an alley, a hand grabs my arm and pulls me into it. I spin and my back collides with a wall. 

Eyes stare me down and they look angry and confused. But I know those eyes and I can feel the tears of relief itching behind my eyes. I found him, or more technically, he found me. He growls, but otherwise says nothing. 

"Hi," I say. Not knowing yet how to proceed. He growls again and I can imagine his mouth set in a straight line. He's wearing a mask, so I can't see it. Seeing him this close makes me realize how much I missed him. 

"Why are you here? Came to torture me?" And he sounds so small and defeated, the tears almost flow. I lift my hand and as he doesn't flinch or stop me, I take off his mask.

As his full face comes into view I drink it in. I had it wrong, he's biting his lower lip instead of being set in a straight line. He takes an involuntary step closer, and I feel him completely. The arousal usually starts slow, like a small wave, but it hits me now like a tsunami. 

I'm so focused on drinking him in, I don't realize the time stretches. And I know how I feel and I don't blame him anymore. I did, but this obliterates it. I grab his shirt and pull, and my mouth is next to his ear, so I whisper seductively.

"My favorite stolen moment by you was the hot spring." I look at him and I see so many emotions pass through his eyes, and I smile at him. "You do remember!" He exclaims, and he gets angry again, thinking I played him. 

I grab his face, "let me explain please?" And I wait. He is in charge, and if he chooses not to listen, I'll back off. I don't want to, but I will. 

He reads my eyes and in the end he nods. "I just got my memory back. Five days now and I have spent them searching for you. With the archery I didn't remember any of you. I don't know why." And I let my hands wander to the back of his head, threading my fingers into his hair. "I do have my suspicions, but let's not focus on that now. I'm so sorry you were so miserable, and I played a part in th-," and he shuts me up as he swoops in and steals my breath right out of my mouth, and I gasp. He deepens instantly and he groans in longing. His arms pull me from the wall so he can wind them around me. They hold me tight, and I moan into his mouth, and he moans into mine. 

Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Harem *TwoWhere stories live. Discover now