Rain Chapter 4

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Art by @/staridenn on twitter


George was at his house, In a small room. Dream stood before him, stickers scattered all over his mask. George giggled at the sight of it. There was an unknown tension between them, as if their relationship was as fragile as a bubble. The bubble was bound to pop. Dream came over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek. He had stepped over un-named boundaries by doing this. Dream placed his hand against his cheek. "George" he said. His name repeated over and over in mind till dream faded from his reach.


George woke up from his dream only to see Karl hovering above him, yelling. He groaned as he sat up.

"What" he uttered tiredly.

"You and Dream are making breakfast today" Karl said as he exited the room.

George dramatically flopped onto the bed. He lied on the bed listening to the pitter patter of the rain outside. Patches sat on the end of his bed. It was silent in the house. There was something so relaxing about the rain. He listened to the world around him as he laid still. George sat up once again. He slowly got up as he changed into some sweats and a tee. He picked up patches and walked through the bathroom, which lead to dreams room. Dream was awake, staring at the ceiling as he lied on his bed. He plopped Patches down on the floor. "There you go honey" he whispered. Dream chucked. He sat upwards on his bed. George came over and sat beside him.

"You like the sound of the rain too?" George asked him.

"Yeah, it calms me down when I'm overwhelmed, it always has" Dream confessed.

George made eye contact with the blonde. He had bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept. He admired him for a moment.

"I-I was about to go outside in the rain...if you'd like to join me" George said genuinely.


They both walked down the stairs. They passed by the living room to see Skeppy and Bad cuddled up together. George couldn't help but let out a small giggle. They walked out onto the porch. George stepped out into the rain and let it soak him. Eventually dream came out and stood beside him. They stood in silence for a moment. Georges eye caught a glimpse of something. He walked over to a flower that was glistening in the rain. His eyes shimmered as he admired its beauty.

"Dance with me?"

George turned around to see Dream holding his hand out towards him. He stared in shock as a light pink crept across both of their faces. George looked away trying to hide his face as he grabbed dreams hand. Dream pulled him up, George had to look up to see his face due to the height difference. Dream twirled George around and pulled him back in making George chuckle. They spun around some more and Dream dipped George. George stared into Dreams eyes.

"You're a good dancer" George muttered as his cheeks glowed a bright red.

"You're not so bad yourself" Dream responded as he smiled.

Everyone else had already awoken from their slumber. Sapnap groaned in annoyance.

"I'm starvinggg" he said, exaggerating the ends of his words.

"Where are those two, I thought I told them to make breakfast" Karl uttered. They heard Bad gasp from in the living room. They made their way over from the kitchen to see bad and Skeppy staring outside. "What's going on—" Sapnap cut himself off as they watched Dream and George outside.

Dream held George. One hand was on his lower back while the other held his hand. He kept staring at the brunette, his chestnut eyes stared back at him. They didn't move, both were admiring the other. Karl bursted through the patio door.

"could you guys stop flirting for two seconds and cook breakfast"

Everyone had been watching them. George stood up and hid behind Dream from embarrassment. Both their faces were bright red. Dream grabbed George's hand as he pulled him inside. They both walked upstairs, leaving wet footsteps behind them. They changed into dry clothes and headed back towards the kitchen.

"What should we make?" Dream asked.

"I'm not sure, I can't cook to save my life" George responded.

"Let's makes some muffins" Dream said. George nodded in agreement. They decided to make blueberry muffins. Dream cleaned the berries and put them into a bowl with the muffin batter. George tried to stir it all together but was having a difficult time. Dream chuckled. He stood behind George.

"Here, let me help you" he muttered. Dream put both his hands over George's, their fingers intertwined. He guided George's hands over the spoon and stirred the batter together. Dreams body was pressed against George's. George could feel the warmth of Dreams body. He bit his lower lip. As they finished stirring, Dream poured the batter into the pan while George cut some fruit. George couldn't help but wonder if he and Dream could actually be together. What if it wasn't meant to be or what if they were moving to fast. He escaped the overwhelming thoughts when he felt the blade of the knife cut through the palm of his hand. He yelped in pain as blood trickled down his arm. The sting of the cut made tears form In his eyes. He put his opposite hand over his mouth, trying not to cry as he bit down on his tongue. Dream looked over at George to see blood dripping down onto the floor.

"George!" He said with worry in his voice. He ran over towards him and George turned around to face him. There was a deep cut on his hand with non-stop blood pouring from the cut. Tears fell down the brunette's face.

"Oh George" Dream said as he placed his hand on his cheek, wiping away the tears with his thumb.

"You'll be okay, let me grab the first aid kit"

Dream rushed upstairs and rummaged around in their bathroom until he found the first aid kit. George followed Dream upstairs and sat on the bathroom counter. Dream used a dry towel and held it on the cut to try and stop the blood. Once he managed to stop it, he took out hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound. George pulled his hand away.

"I don't want you to use that" he muttered quietly.

"It'll only sting for a second...you can hold my hand if it helps" Dream responded.

With his opposite hand, George held dreams free hand. He squeezed it as Dream poured the hydrogen peroxide on the open wound. He flinched at the sting. Dream bandaged up his hand.

"See? All better gogy"

George opened his eyes to see that his other hand was all bandaged up. He got flustered by the fact that Dream called him by his nickname. He still held dreams hand.

"Thank you Clay" he said shyly as he tried to hide his blushing face. Dreams face also grew a light shade of pink. He let go of his hand and made their way back down the stairs. Dream finished up breakfast. Everyone came in and ate.

"These muffins are great!" Bad told the duo. Dream smiled as a form of a "thank you" instead of responding verbally. George poked at his muffin. The events that happened this morning had caused him to lose his appetite. He drew his attention to Sapnap, who was on his phone. Spending time with his friends had made him forgotten all about social media. He heard a vibration come from his phone.

You might want to check Twitter a snap from Sapnap read. He looked up from his phone to see the worry in his eyes as they made eye contact. He opened Twitter and his eyes grew in fear as he saw what was the #1 trending. 

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