~Two~ Ma'am Akriath

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We arrive at a small hut, after what feels like a long and direful journey. I can't count how many times I thought I was going to fall off the flying carpet thing. I'm pretty sure I even caught a few horrible-tasting bugs in my mouth. The landing is good though. We get off the carpet as it slowly meets the ground.

I trail behind Zeeta as we walk the short distance from where we landed the carpet to the entrance of the hut. The threshold has no door except for the curtain made out of beads that serves as a barrier. As we walk in with the beads swaying and clicking around us, I get dumbstruck by the interior. The size of the hut from outside is really deceiving.

The interior is quite spacious, much to my surprise. Many shelves line the mud walls, filled with books and jars of contents that look either suspicious or riveting. There is a single lamp at the top of each of the four square walls, which confused me because I could have sworn the hut looks cylindrical from outside. All sorts of smells, I couldn't identify, mix together, contributing to the stuffy air. The vast floor is completely covered with a stiff dark maroon carpet.

"Hullo Ma'am Akriath!" Zeeta says. And that is when I notice a lone figure sitting at the middle of the floor on a black mat. She sits with her legs crisscross, hunched over and staring into what could only be a crystal ball.

She slowly gazes up at Zeeta. "Ah, Zeeta, the little ray of sunshine."

Was that sarcasm in her tone?

"And you," grey, smokey orbs turn to me, reading me. Her features are much younger than I expected from what Zeeta said. "I've been expecting you."

She smiles, taking off the cloak she had on before standing up. Long curls that match the colour of her eyes fall to her waist. Her skin wasn't as shimmery as everyone else's. She is adorned in black leather trousers and a loose black blouse with long loose a-line sleeves. Her waist line is defined with a gold belt around the bulky blouse. Wrists sparkle with the many gold bangles that don it.

"Expecting me?" I wonder aloud.

"Yes. you are Blessing, aren't you?" I realise we walked in closer to her.

"I am, but how could you be expecting me. I don't know you."

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong. You do know me; everybody knows me. Some just don't know they do yet."

She smiles mysteriously, as if knowing things no one else does.

"You see," she continues, "I am Akriath-"

"-I already know that-" I said, my voice going up an octave at the end, though she continues like I had said nothing.

"-the assigned Watcher of all beings for the Moondrops. I see and hear everything for I can be anything or anyone and anywhere." She finishes with pride laced in her tone.

"OK . . . so basically you're some creepy stalker with nothing better to do?"

Her smile drops. "No, of course not. I'm just meant to keep an eye on things and report back to the Royals. Gosh, you humans are so dull sometimes."

"I'm gonna pretend you did not say that if you help me find my way back home." I am tired at this point and keep wishing I'd wake up from this dream. But sadly, it isn't working.

"I'm not quite sure how to do that."

"Well that's convenient," I roll my eyes, "with you being all knowing and all, I thought you would."

"It doesn't work that way. I know things because I'm always there when they happen. And in all my years of watching, which is quite a lot if I may add, I have never encountered a human ending up in any of the magical realms. Though I could do some research to see if I can find out why and how you're here."

A sigh escapes my lips as I raise my left hand to stand akimbo. "Alright, how long do you think you'll take?"

"I don't know, maybe a few days or a week."

"So I'm stuck here for a week?"

"Or more. I don't think disappearing from here would be as easy as appearing."

"Don't worry," Zeeta chimes in, "I'll show you around and introduce you to my friends and family in the meantime. Even though I'd be hearing a lot of I told you so's" She smiled. The kind that made a person feel at home while wondering why someone found it hard to believe humans exist.

"I'd say you deserve more than that. I mean, you tried to convince everyone that I was wrong. Do you think I just sit around making up what happens and who exists around here?" Says Akriath. She tried to keep her calm and mystic countenance but it was conspicuous how much Zeeta irked her.

"It's not really my fault now is it? How am I supposed to just accept there are beings who have no magic? How can someone live without magic?"

"It's possible Zeeta. I'm living aren't I? Plus we have something close to it in a way, it's called technology." I say.

Akriath sighs. "Are we done here? I have important things to get to."

"Like finding a way for me to get back to earth?"

"Sure. Now why don't you two go along, I'm sure Zeeta has a lot of people to introduce you too."

Why does it feel like she's trying to chase us away?

"That's true. Not to brag, but some call me the girl of the people. I know a lot of people." She appears quite proud of herself.

"Nobody calls you that Zeeta." Says Akriath.

"They should though." Zeeta replies. "Come on Blessing, let's go."

She takes my hand and we walk out. But just before we cross the threshold, I turn back to see Akriath gazing to the side with a worried expression on her face. I wonder if it is because of me.

Does she think I can't go back home?

When we're out of the hut, I walk over to where we left the carpet. Though just as I reach, I hear the light rustling of leaves in the field of shrubs ahead. And it didn't sound like it's just the wind. It sounds like movement, as if someone is walking in the bushes.

I try to get closer, to see who or what could possibly be short enough to be completely concealed by the the shrubs which only came up to my waist.

"Blessing! What are you doing? The town's not too far, we can go by foot." She calls from the other side of the hut.

That is when I see the carpet has reattached itself to the soil and has become normal weeds again.

Looking at the shrubs one last time, I reply, "oh, um, I'm coming."

I pace over to her and we make our way to the town, conversing as we do.

What do you suppose Akriath's worried about? Thoughts on her character?
Any guesses for what's underneath those bushes?

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