Chapter 36

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Living with mental health is a up and down rollercoaster you have your ups and you have your downs

You have days where you just want to cry and not want to do anything

I am diagnosed with PTSD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression Disorder and ADHD I also struggle with Social Anxiety as well

Living with depression is very very rough I have days where I feel very very depressed that it's hard for me to function and do certain things

Sometimes my depression had me have some thoughts where I wanted to harm myself and worst case was I had days where I wanted to die

My depression gets rough due to my diagnosis of my Hidradenitis Supprativa and all the things I have to go through with my struggles with my HS

I struggle with my Generalized Anxiety Disorder due to all the difficulties that I have faced and I struggle with having panic attacks

My PTSD comes from all the very bad difficulties I have dealt with over the years from my childhood and adolescent years growing up

I used to self harm for a few years due to emotional pain due to severe bullying and I was always feeling depressed

I had went through a very very difficult moment when I had wanted to die and I tried to commit suicide when I was young due to all the difficulties that I have dealt with from bullying

My PTSD comes from all the abuse I went through with all the bullies I have dealt with growing up and abuse from a friend as well

I struggle with my anxiety due to things that is hard for me based on past experiences and memories from all the difficulties that I have dealt with.

I wanted to share my struggles and bring light to those who are struggling with their own battles of mental health disabilities

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