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The rain pelted down in sheets, soaking my clothes as I trudged through the parking lot towards my car. My hands were shaking and I fumbled with getting my keys out of my pocket. My head was spinning. I climbed into the driver's seat, not bothering to dry myself off. I just looked at the dashboard as the rainwater pooled on the leather seats.

I guess some part of me was hoping that I wouldn't have to face this again. That I could keep it buried in the past, and move on without it coming back to haunt me. I should have known better. In retrospect, it was probably something I should have faced head on a long time ago. But now... I'd have even more to lose.

I turned the radio up as loud as it could go as I pulled out of the lot. I felt the drums ringing in my ears to the point where it was painful. But I couldn't bring myself to turn the music down. Edward's concerned face kept flashing in my head. I felt like I only ever made mistakes when it came to him.

The rain wasn't letting up anytime soon. In fact, it seemed to be coming down even harder. There was no one out on the streets and yet I felt exposed. My mind was on autopilot as I made my way home.
The front door to my apartment was unlocked. I had left in such a rush to apologize to Edward this morning that I had forgotten to lock it. Tense, I peered inside. I don't know why, but I was half expecting Angela to be there. But I was met with a familiar silence. Rainwater followed me as I walked through the apartment, checking thoroughly for any signs of intrusion. It seemed like everything was how I'd left it.

When I finished checking my bedroom, I stripped down to my boxers, dropping my sopping wet clothes into a heap on my floor. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My hair was plastered to my forehead and my skin looked pale. I looked like shit. I felt like shit too. I collapsed onto my bed, staring out at the raindrops racing each other down the window panes. I wondered what Edward was doing now. I couldn't pretend I didn't notice how he looked at me after grabbing my hand. The way he'd squeezed it tightly as though he really didn't want me to go. The way his eyes had lingered on my lips for just a second too long. And I couldn't pretend that my eyes weren't wandering as well. His expression when I left... thinking about it made my dick twitch.

As much as I wanted to give into him, I knew I'd only end up hurting him even more in the long run. As it was, we hadn't managed a week of fake dating without an argument. He deserved someone better than me, someone who could be what he needed. It scared me, too, how easily I began feeling this way. I couldn't pinpoint exactly when it had started, but at this point I was too tired to fight it. FUck


Warm sunlight streamed through the window, lighting up my 7th period English classroom. It was my first day of high school and my backpack was full of scraps of paper from middle school. The California summer was in full swing, making the whole room smell almost as bad as the gym locker room Boyz Edition. Our only savior was the plastic fan in the front of the classroom, oscillating back and forth in a slow agony as each student waited for the grace of cool air. I found a seat near the back and plopped my stuff down. My fingers drummed on the desk absentmindedly. The bell rang and the teacher began his introduction. I felt my eyelids grow heavy already and my mind drift off elsewhere. The band would be meeting up later. Seth, Paul, and I were going to try again at songwriting. Hopefully this time we could write one that didn't sound like a 5th graders first poem.

My attention was pulled away from my daydreaming when the door swung open. A tall kid with amber eyes and brown spiky hair shuffled into the classroom, trying not to draw too much attention to himself. But despite his efforts, I couldn't help but stare. For a moment, our eyes locked, and I quickly looked to the teacher. I was keenly aware of him coming closer towards my desk. I didn't look at him as he sat down next to me.

"Mr. Cullen, I presume," The teacher said. The kid flinched.

"Yes sir..." He mumbled.

"I expect you to be on time for my class."

"Sorry, it won't happen again," He said politely. "...Dipshit" He whispered, loud enough for only me to hear. I tried not to laugh. The teacher droned on and on and eventually, the bell rang again. I grabbed my stuff and got up, ready to leave, but my eyes fell back on that kid again, and I placed my hand on his desk.

"What's your name?" I asked. The kid looked up at me.

"I'm Edward," He smiled. "What's yours?"

"Jake," I replied. "Hey, I don't really know anyone else in this class," I found myself lying, "Can I get your number for like.. homework and stuff?" I asked.

Edward nodded. "Sure man, I just moved here so I don't know anyone either." I gave my phone to him and he entered his number.

"See you around, Jake!" He waved, then hurried off to his next class. I stared down at the number and typed in the contact name.


Thinking back on it, maybe I'd liked him for longer than I'd been willing to admit. 



HIII gus!! i hopy youre enjouing the niece and beautiful spring weather this moht!! I hope you also enjouy the springtime of yourth for our two boyos!!! !! <333333

Thank you all fo your continued support!! !XOXOXOXOOX

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