Chapter 12: Apparently Frying Pans Do Prevent Identify Theft

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"No service, no power. Nice one, Ladybug!" Cat Noir remarks.

Once we reach the bottom of the stairs, we stop, turn around, and ready our weapons, anticipating for her to attack any second. 

"Get ready," Ladybug instructs. 

Cat Noir shuffles over to me. "So ma reine, what do you do when you're not Makwa?"

I shrug. "Stuff and thangs." 

He smirks, his pupils turning into slits. "I can be 'stuff and thangs' if you want." 

My entire face turns red as my mind goes to places it definitely shouldn't, especially not while I'm on the job. "Cat Noir, don't say that."

Ladybug turns her head in annoyance. "Can't you two lovebirds stop flirting long enough to stay focused?"

Both blushing, Cat Noir and I exchange glances at each other and look away. After thirty seconds of silence, we hear a door faintly slam shut from above.

"I think she went back into the hotel," I declare.

On the way back up the stairs, we realize Lady Wifi locked all the doors and that I might have to kick down a wall to create an exit.

"Hey, you realize we all might actually know each other in normal life," Cat Noir suggests as we keep running.

That almost makes me stop in my tracks. What if he's right? What if Cat Noir's in my school? Or my class? What if-

No. Remember what Mom and Mato said. I'm not gonna dare to figure that out. Even though learning Ladybug's identity wasn't that bad, I can't shake the feeling that discovering who Cat Noir is only gonna lead to more trouble. 

Besides, why would he wanna know who I am?

We finally reach a door that isn't locked and kick it open, expecting an ambush. But it just leads to an empty dining room filled with chairs, tables, and a kitchen to our left. 

"Follow me," Ladybug instructs. 

We cautiously walk over to the tables, trying to figure out what Lady Wifi could be planning. And what the deal is with the phones on all the tables. 

My bear ears perk up and I gasp. "It's a trap!"

Lady Wifi rises from one of the phones and starts swiping buttons at us like a machine gun. We split up to avoid her attacks, hiding behind sofas and countertops. We make several attempts to move out from behind the sofas, but every time we poke our heads out, Lady Wifi nearly strikes us with her buttons.

"Hey! I thought it was you two she was after!" Cat Noir yells before a button strikes the table he's hiding behind, violently knocking him back into more tables. 

Something snaps in me. I instinctively throw my daggers at Lady Wifi. "Hey! Keep your buttons away from him!"

She turns around to face me. "Oh, I see. Trying to save your boyfriend, little hero?"

My eyes narrow as the daggers return to my hands. "He's not my-"

"Keep telling yourself that," Lady Wifi sneers. 

Ladybug throws her yo-yo around her wrist and yanks the string, but Lady Wifi quickly disappears and the yo-yo falls to the ground. She appears and reappears through all the phones, taunting, "You can't get me, Ladybug!"

Ladybug smirks. "Oh yes I can." 

She smashes all the phones with her yo-yo, limiting Lady Wifi's capacity to travel. When she reappears and runs into the kitchen, I chase after her with Ladybug right on my tail. Lady Wifi turns and swipes a lock button at the doors behind us, sealing them shut. 

The Running Bear (Cat Noir x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum