Chapter Two

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Just as I was about to turn to the hallway by my right, an extremely hot, white, blinding pain shot through my whole body, forcing me down to my knees.

I began to gasp for air when the awful pressure in my chest slowly drifted to my muscles. It wasn't long before I was running out of breath fast.

"No one dared to slam a door in my face," He came over and peered down at me challengingly, "not even a regular vampire."

His red eyes moved to my throat and I could feel the pain suddenly become worse. My body fell to the ground with a small thud, my hands clamped around my neck desperately trying to stop the excruciating ache and my heart pounding faster than ever. I'm sure he could even hear it from the way he was grinning the whole time.

"'re not allowed to use th-those electrifying powers of yours on us—in school!" I breathed out, almost colliding with his legs.

"Hmm, you even talk back? Well, this should be fun." He raised an eyebrow with an impressed smirk plastered on his face. He clearly was enjoying this—but I wasn't, not even in the slightest manner.

"I-I don't want any trouble—I promise!" I forced the words out, staring into his wild eyes.

From the dark look in his eyes, he surely needed trouble from me. And that's the last thing I needed from him.

"Well, I'm going to let you go," His voice came out calm and shady, "only on one condition."

"F-first of all," I clenched through my teeth, "take your filthy hands off me!"

The next thing I knew he was hovering above me. Within a second, his hands had me pinned completely to the ground, and his eyes slowly scanned my appearance. I could almost feel his weight on me as our hips were slightly touching. I narrowed my eyes at him when he cocked his head to the side, an unreadable emotion evidently laying within his unwavering eyes. I didn't even realize that I was glaring at him the whole time. When I finally realized that our eyes had locked into a gaze and hasn't faltered a bit, I quickly turned my face away from his reach, almost blushing in embarrassment.

The way he was watching me very closely sent chills all over my body. His eyes has refused to break away from my face the entire time. He looked like he was trying to figure out some kind of puzzle—what was actually going on in my mind at the moment. Or perhaps it was very my own imagination?

"W-what are you doing?" I whispered in a small trembling voice.

A not-so-aching feeling rushed through my chest when his hands settled on my hips, his dark eyes searching my face for something I couldn't fathom. When I felt his fingers slide up my waist, my breath seized in my throat. For a moment, I almost forgot to breathe.

My heart began to ache in fear when he lowered his face closer to mine; the sudden sinister look in his eyes immediately reminded me of who—no, what I was dealing with. I began to struggle, wriggle, squirm, but nothing happened. His strength was just no match for mine, surprisingly.

He chuckled and tilted my head to the side. "For a moment, it seemed like you were actually enjoying this, and now you're fighting me?" He shook his head with a nasty smile. There was amusement and anger all tingled on his face, and from the looks of it, he was either going to mark me right here or drink from me right now. 

When I didn't talk again, he returned his glare back to me and continued, "You humans are just so inevitable." This time there was hatred and coldness in his eyes as he spoke and I could feel his hands tense on my sides too.

"I hate you too," I narrowed my eyes at him, not letting my guard down this time.

He narrowed his eyes back at me and squeezed the fleshy region of my waist with his long nails, almost too painful for my liking. A small scream escaped my lips as he dug even deeper, but as fast as it came out, his hands were already wrapped my lips, suppressing it into nothing but a small sinful groan. I fought to breathe, but he had other plans in mind, obviously.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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