Chapter 7- Conversations in the Dark

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(Trigger Warning: abuse, rape, talk of abortion)

Arizona's POV

How was Callie okay? I feel a tinge of jealousy that she was able to bounce back already. Three weeks is a lot of time to be able to recover, I guess I wasn't quite there yet. 

I was paged for a consult for a child who is in need of a bone marrow transplant. The adoptive parents said that the biological mother lives in Seattle and were hoping that she would agree to donate her bone marrow if she was a match.

I went and saw April in the pit before the consult in twenty minutes, hopefully she would be able to calm me down. 

"April, how is Callie okay? Did I mean nothing to her? I am not okay, how is she okay?" I am almost panting when I am done.

"Arizona. Arizona! You're okay! Everyone heals differently." She stated. "You turned that girl's world when you were with her, I was almost sick watching the two of you sometimes. I wanted that love. You will find that love one day again. Be patient, until then we are all here for you." April finished. 

Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to the chief looking at me with worried eyes. "Arizona, it's good to have you back. Are you okay?" Richard asked.

"I am okay, chief. Just being dramatic as usual and thinking the worst." I said nervously.

"You just went through hell, Robbins. You deserve to be a little dramatic." The chief said.

"Thank you, Richard." He gave me a hug as he walked away. 

I tell April I will see her later at home, then make my way up to my consult.

I walk in to the room and immediately get a strange feeling in my gut when I saw this teenager, but I brush it off not hoping that a shoe is going to drop. She was seventeen and in need of a bone marrow transplant, poor kid. Well, almost adult.

"Hello, I am Dr. Robbins!" I said with my usually perky smile. Surprisingly, I was genuinely happier than I was twenty minutes ago. "Can I ask who you are, miss.....?" Asking the teen to break the ice.

"Arianna, Arianna Bellencourt. These are my parents, Chloe and Carter Bellencourt." She says with a smile. I can see the pain she is hiding behind it. I go over and shake their hands.

"I just need to ask you a few questions and we will get started." I say and Arianna nods. "Okay, what is your birthday?" She gives me her birthday with ease.

I ask her some other pertinent information, and then I have to ask her the most important question. "Have you all reached out to the birth mom to see if she is willing to donate her bone marrow? It's important they are willing to donate." I state. "Dr. Robbins, we haven't reached out to her yet. We are afraid how she will react to us being here." Her mom says.

"I understand, it is hard to reach out. If you would like, I can reach out to them and see if I can talk into being tested for their bone marrow." I say, confused as to why they have not reached out to the birth mother. "Actually, Dr. Robbins. They work here, they're a doctor in this hospital. That is the reason we came here." This is where the shoe drops, isn't it? I don't even want to ask who the doctor was because I already knew. "Who is the doctor?" I say.

"Dr. Callie Torres." The dad states. There's the shoe, it's on the floor. It has dropped.


I don't know if I was angry or if I was sad, I was feeling all of these emotions. 

I told them I would reach out to her to see if she was willing to donate. I knew she would because of who she is as a person, but now I am roped into this. I could hand it over to Alex, but I am too far in now. I know all of this information. 

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