Chapter 1- The Way You Look Tonight

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Arizona's POV

I was in my red dress, ready to go to Miranda's wedding when I suddenly felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. I looked down at the bottom of my dress and was reminded again that I could not wear heels. I know it's pathetic that I am making this about me once again, but I couldn't help it. 

"Just....tell her I wasn't feeling well." I said as Callie walked into the living room. "You've got to be kidding me." Callie exclaimed as she stopped in front of the coffee table. 

"Do not belittle me, okay?" I say. "You have no idea what it's like--" I am cut off by Callie coming towards me. "Oh trust me, trust me, I am intimately familiar with what's going on, and I'm over it." She continues. 

"You are exactly the same person you were before, just MINUS a leg." She rambles on. "You think it's nothing?" I state. "OH NO NO NO, I think it's everything. And you know what, it has been for months and I have been supportive....for months! But there comes a point where you have to suck it up and stop whining and start living!" She says. 

"Okay, so you have one leg? It's a wedding, and weddings are sweet and they are beautiful, and no ones going to notice the stupid leg because everybody's going to be looking at Bailey, and maybe for one night our lives could be about something other than that damn leg. My whole life is about that leg. I haven't had sex in five months because of that leg! Enough about the leg." I look at her in shock that that's what actually came out of her mouth. 

Maybe she was right, I needed to put my insecurities aside for one night and be there for Dr. Bailey. She was getting married and she asked me to be there for here and stand up for her as one of her bridesmaids. I look at her once more, she gives me a look on her face like maybe she went too far with what she said, and in my mind, I was thinking what she said was just right and just what I needed.

Without saying anything, I slip my flat sparkly shoe on my prosthetic leg and look at Callie with my deep blue eyes. I didn't have to say anything as she knew my eyes and expression were saying thank you. She gave me her big smile that I adored so much. 


We were now at the wedding reception, and the wedding went off without a hitch. It was so beautiful, and Miranda and Ben looked so happy together. 

I wanted to surprise Callie with a room because I think what she said before inspired me to take a jump and see what trouble we can get up to tonight. I may not be ready for sex, but I am ready to be somewhat intimate with her again.

I looked over as we were eating and noticed Callie wasn't wearing her wedding ring. "Callie, why aren't you wearing your wedding ring?" I asked. "Oh, shoot! I knew I forgot something when I was finished getting dressed!" She says. "It's okay, babe. I just thought it was because of earlier." I ramble. She kisses my hand with my wedding ring on it, relaxing me. 

As I am about to ask Callie to come to the room with me, she states she just needed to go to the restroom to freshen up. So off she goes to the restroom as I anxiously wait for her to come back. This is the first time I felt as though I really missed her presence. I felt like I was getting myself back and couldn't wait to get us back. 


Callie's POV

I go into the restroom to freshen up as the party was making me all hot and sticky. I must have forgotten to lock the door as a blonde woman walks in the one-person restroom. It's not the blonde woman I was expecting or secretly wanted, but she came in and just locked eyes with me.

The woman stood there for a moment taking me in, using those elevator eyes and something inside me told me it felt good to be lusted over. I didn't even notice she was locking the door behind her until I heard it. 

I am not sure where my mind was at, but it certainly forgot everything I knew up until this point. I got distracted by this woman who I did not even know, looking her up and down as well. "I am Heather, and you are?" The blonde says. "C-Callie." I managed to stutter out. "Well Callie, do you want me as much as I want you right now?" She boldly asks this question. 

"I--I," I stutter again. Before I could even manage to say anything, her lips crashed into mine. I didn't pull back, as I seemed to again forget everything in the world in that moment. I found her wrapping her arms around my waist and my arms found themselves on her arms. 

This kiss continued for a few minutes before I found her hands under my dress on my legs. I didn't pull back because the touch felt so good after not having this intimacy in five months. I found fingers intertwining my panties and looked at me as if looking for permission. I guess I gave off a look as if it was okay, because then I found my panties down my legs. 

Before I knew it, her fingers were inside of me and I flinch at the contact, as I haven't had this level of intimacy in five months. She continued and it felt really good, until it really didn't. I don't mean to say it didn't feel good physically, EVERYTHING and I mean everything came flooding back to me. ARIZONA. Oh my god, Arizona. 

What am I going to tell her? What am I going to do? Before I let this go any further, I gently push Heather off of me, not to be rude in any way because she has no idea the situation that we are now in. She looks at me with confusion in her eyes, flustered now at the lack of contact. 

"What's wrong? I thought we were enjoying ourselves?" She said shyly, almost embarrassed. "No, it isn't you at all." I start. "I should have never let it get this far." As a pull my panties back up my legs and start to fix my dress. 

"What do you mean?" She says. Now she looks rather confused, almost angry at me stopping. "I'm married." I state bluntly. Her eyes go wide, I thought they were going to bulge out of their head. 

"You're married?! YOU'RE MARRIED?!" Now she was getting angry. "I am not a home-wrecker, I am not someone who breaks up marriages, I thought you were single, you weren't wearing any wedding ring. Oh my god. I have to go, I am sorry." She says, unlocking the door and leaving quickly out of it. 

Heather runs out the door before I could even say anything else. What I did not realize was she had passed another blonde woman on her way out. The moment I realized this was when I went out to apologize to Heather and ensure she knew none of this was her fault. I came face to face with someone who I wish I wasn't seeing at this very moment.

Arizona. It had to be Arizona.

The one person I loved with every bone in my body, standing right there in front of me. Her face going from so happy to very confused and even hurt. She knew. She KNEW. She knew what just happened by looking into my eyes and seeing the deer in the headlights look someone gets when they have been caught. Caught red-handed. 

Then she was calm, in that moment I think she went through the five stages of grief in about 2 minutes of standing there. Before I could even open my mouth to say anything, I am being pulled across the hotel into a room. Arizona had a key, which I thought was strange, but nevertheless, this is where I was pulled. 

I was ultimately prepared for what was going to happen next, although there was no way I wanted it to go the way it did.  

Author's Notes: 

I am fully aware who Heather is in Grey's and I am sure you are too, but I was not going to allow Perfect Penny to ruin my story. Therefore, Steak Knives it is! She was pretty insignificant to the plot then, so it made sense to do that here. She will not be brought into this story again. 

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