Must be the ruckus from earlier.

"Which fight?" Majid asked.

"Zik and Darius, naw! I swear, those two are cat and rat!"

I hissed. "They should give up all this enemy shit and just date already. Zik is pretty cute."

Kes and Majid laughed.

"For where? They'll just kill each other. That Azikiwe girl scares me!" Kes said.

"At least then we'll get to eat beta burial rice," Majid added and we laughed.

"Enhen, Phineas, do you have my speech?" Kes asked.

He'd been chosen to be Head Boy, and had been freaking out throughout the holidays, calling me, Majid and the other guys up to hang out, because he'd be tied down with duties this year.

He also asked me to help him with his speech.

I handed it over to him and he looked at me cheekily.

"I sha hope this isn't another one of your mad raps," he said.

I flushed as Majid laughed.

So, yeah, I write poems.

One time, in JSS2, Majid caught me writing and read it, so I told him it was a mad rap song and most definitely not a poem.

I said same to Kes when he found my poem book soon after.

They've been teasing me since then.

Friends, am I right?

"The mad rapper himself," Majid hailed, patting me on the shoulder.

"Fools. That's what you two are," I said , pointing at them.

The mood in the class changed and everyone grew excited as Beryl Okezie walked in with her bag.

Beryl, whose mum is a top choreographer and best friends with Guiness World Record holder, Kaffy.

Whose dad is a big-time music producer.

Beryl, who had just been on tour with Triple J, as a backup dancer.

Who had over 50 million TikTok followers, putting my measly account of only 2000 to shame.

"Hey guys," she said to us, after dropping her bag.


"How far?"

"How was the tour?"

"The tour was incredible!" she said, answering Majid's question.

"Why wouldn't it have been? You were with Triple freaking J, weren't you?"

She laughed before stroking Kesiena's face.

"Kes-Kes, shey you're ready to be Head Boy?"

" Ready as I'll ever be."

She turned to the rest of us.

"Gotta go check if my girls have come. See ya."

By her girls, she meant her closest friends; Adejare and Chetachi.

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