"It's gonna be OK," Cole repeated. He didn't know why he felt saying that over and over again would make him feel better. "Master Wu and Misako will come, and they'll heal him with some special tea."


"We've just got to wait a few minutes and—"

"Cole." Eagle Talon's faint wheeze silenced him. He looked down to see his brother looking up at him wearily. "I don't think there's anything they can do."

Panic threatened to seize Cole. "What— what're you talking about? Of course there's something they can do! It's just a flesh wound! Yeah, they're gonna come and get you all fixed up and—!"

Talon's hand gripped his. "You'll take care of Little Leaf, right? Promise me!"

"What? Of course I will!" Cole responded incredulously. "We're all gonna— but you've got to stay, OK? Remember? You were gonna stay with us, get to know Dad better, we— Little Leaf was gonna teach you Spinjitzu, remember?"

"I remember."

"Then stay!" His voice rose frantically. "I've always wanted a real brother! I didn't get you back just to lose you again!"

"I think you did." Talon coughed. Specks of blood appeared on his lips. "Black Blood. I wanted to tell her— that I haven't given up on her."

"Black Blood?" Anger flared at the mention of her name. "She's the one who did this to you, man!"

Talon grimaced. "Yes. But she's still our sister. Please—don't give up on her, either. Pl—" He coughed again.

Cole held his head up with one hand gently. "I won't give up on her," he heard himself say. He felt barely aware of Jay, Nya, Zane, and Wolf Paw standing around them, stricken to silence.

Talons' voice was fading, becoming softer. Cole had to lean in to hear him chuckle weakly. "Heh... I have no idea what's waiting for me beyond. I don't think my ancestors are too proud of me right now, betraying my tribe... helping the Sons and Daughters..." He seemed to find the thought funny and laughed—before it turned into another wheezing cough.

Cole forced a half-hearted smile. "For what it's worth, you've also got some human ancestors. And I think they're pretty proud of you right now."

"Cole..." Eagle Talon's body shuddered. His voice came out more strangled-sounding now, quieter. "I— I'm proud to call you... my brother."

Cole's voice caught in his throat. He couldn't speak.

The wane smile on Eagle Talon's face shrank. The light in his green eyes lost their glimmer as he closed them in a faint grimace. A final breath rattled through his lungs.

Then he fell still.

Cole didn't know how long he knelt there, his brother's head in his lap. When he at last moved, it was with trembling hands. He placed Eagle Talon's head gently in the grass.

"I'm so sorry, Cole..." Nya whispered.

A single strangled sob broke from him. He covered his mouth, stifling the rest, though it made his throat burn. His vision swam.

Gone. Eagle Talon was gone. He was gone.

He didn't notice the snow until the white flakes were catching onto his eyelashes. They came slowly and softly, as if the sky wished to grieve quietly.

He was unaware more people had arrived at the scene until he abruptly found himself being pulled to his feet and embraced by Wu. He got the impression his mentor was speaking to him, but his ears didn't register the words being said. Nothing mattered at this point. It was too late. Nothing mattered.

Roots of Earth ~ A Ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now