One thing or another

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Blaming harry for his doings so he can come back to me thats the lowest he could ever go. I heard her say herslef it was his and she would know who the baby's father is surely. He can't blame Harry he just has to face up to what reality has bought to him and that's a child.

I got to where I had to be and Liam was waiting for me, I ran up to him and gave him a hug, he picked me up and everything went slow motion, i buried my head in his nex=ck and he leant his head on my shoulder and closed our eyes.

We let go. "I've been waiting for you" he told me "I know and hugged him again with a single tear sliding down each cheek "I've missed you Niall" He pulled away "you mean liam" "shit, I'm so sorry" "its fine dont worry" he said while laughing and pulled me back into him.

We pulled apart and Liam wrapped his arm around me and we started to walk to his car. We got there and got in. "I swear I got in to this car already today but with Niall" i smirked "that's because Niall borrowed my car to find you" "he did?" He nodded.

I went to grab my seatbelt and place it in the other part then liam outbursted with a question. "do you still love niall?" I shrugged my shoulders and hesistated with an answer "I don't know anymore" liam started up the car and started to drive "i don't know"

"well i still love you" a voice from the back said I turned and it was Niall "niall?" He looked up from the ground "I still love you and what I said was true it was Harry's" We both looked to liam "Liam" I questioned "is it true?" I added. Liam nodded.

Fallen in love with a bully // h.sWhere stories live. Discover now