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Darcy's POV :

Ralph took me in as well even though Abigail practically begged him not to. I guess Ralph just likes me too much?

" Why aren't you listening to me? Don't take Darcy in! Just ask him to go back home because even you know it's not safe for him! ", Abigail said to Ralph while I stood right in front of them.

" You know you can talk to me right? ", I asked.

" Firstly, my auction house has nothing to do with Noah or his dad and secondly, Darcy is such a nice boy! He even promised to help me for the financer party tonight so he's not going anywhere! ", Ralph replied as he slapped my back. I let out a groan from his violent attack but at least I was glad.

" B-But I was about to do it! You asked me for help! ", Abigail yelled so I pulled her a bit close to me and shushed her.

" Aby! Stop. Do you hate me being here that much? You keep running away saying that you are trying to protect me but you have to stop now. Let me stay next to you and help you get out of this mess. Please. ", I pleaded, holding her hands in between mine.

Abigail stared at me with I noticed her eyes sparkling.

" You are finally dating a decent guy unlike Noah and you want to send him away from you? Instead of asking him to go away in hopes of his safety, stay by his side and make sure of it. Now back to your room and start preparing for tonight! ", Ralph interrupted us.

" He's not my b— ", Abigail started but Ralph threw a key towards me and started walking away.

" He's a nice guy. ", I smiled and looked at her.

" Dar— ", she was about to speak about me coming here probably for the fourteenth time, so I started walking away as well.

" Let's talk when you won't be asking me to go back. Okay? ", I said.


I got a room situated right next to Abigail's and even though I was very glad because Ralph took me in, the rooms were almost at boiling point so I decided to go out for a walk. While I was outside, I checked up on my workers back from office even though they were informed to not call me as I'm on this vacation.
After talking for some time and helping whoever needed help from me, I kept my phone down to notice the main auction hall that was being decorated.

I walked in to see the meek ambience of the hall. Seeing me enter, Ralph quickly walked up to me.

" Buddy! How's the decoration? ", He asked and as I studied the hall around me, I couldn't help but make a face.

" ...good. ", I said, trying to act as nice as possible. It wasn't good.

Ralph's expression went a bit wary.

" EVERYONE STOP! STOP THE DECORATIONS RIGHT NOW! ", Ralph suddenly screamed and the busy room went silent within a second.

" Wh-What happened? ", I asked.

" You promised me that you would help right? You do the decoration. You even told me that you do fashion or designing or something of that sort! ", Ralph said and the workers started coming down.

" No no! Wait! I design clothes, I can't design a hall. I'm not equ— ", I tried to explain but Ralph handed me a whole planner.

" Make it the best or else you can say goodbye to this place and Abigail. ", Ralph threatened.

" Are you threatening to throw me out after everything we have been through? C'mon! ", I said being all dramatic but it apparently didn't affect him at all.

" Make. it. BETTER! ", He said with a straight voice and walked off. The workers were now all on the ground and starting to surround me.

" Oh god! What is this mess? ", I muttered to myself when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking back, I discovered Abigail with a lollipop in her mouth.

" I told you to go away. ", She chuckled. I rolled my eyes and headed towards all the workers.

" Guys! Let's get to work right now and make the most beautiful party hall for tonight! ", I cheered them and checked the planner again. With less money and a lot to cover, I had so many things to work on.

Abigail walked up to me.

" If you are here to discourage me agai— ", I started but she quickly pressed her finger on my lips.

" I'll just help you and I won't ask you to leave. Okay? ", She smiled and peeked into the planner.
" Oh god! What is this mess? "

" I know right? That's exactly what I said but you don't have to worry. I'll do everything that I can. Go and take rest. ", I dismissed her off.

" Darcy? ", She suddenly poked my arm. It's not something she usually does so I looked back at her to see her making a puppy face, " Are you angry at me? I promise I won't ask you to leave again, I swear on god so please don't be mad at me. "

My cheeks heated up as I heard her speak in the softest voice, almost cutesy. I turned away from her face to make sure she can't see my face turning into a tomato.

" N-No! Ofcourse not! You know I'm not someone who can get angry at you. I'll look after this so that you can go back and prepare for whatever you need to do this evening. ", I smiled and pinched her cheeks a bit.

" Okay then, best of luck with this. ", Abigail smiled and walked out of the hall. As I was sure that she left, I turned around and grabbed my chest. What on earth is this feeling! Aby really used that cute voice and face to win me over! How lucky can this day get?

" How cringy! ", I heard someone say.
I looked up to see the others laughing or smile mockingly at me and I realised that I was doing all of this right in front of them.

" I-It wasn't! Go back to work right now! ", I yelled at them and they left while murmuring.


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