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Abigail's POV :

I sat on the wall facing the sea. It was empty even though the sun shining brightly and reflecting rays on the water looked beautiful. As I finished eating, I looked at my side to see Darcy still eating. He seemed picky but he ate everything on his hands.
His well maintained fluffy hair now looked all dusty from being outside that I felt guilty for wrapping him in my problems.

But then I remembered how he asked for it.

This rich guy really thinks everything is fun till Noah ties him up or shoots his hands for fun.

" Darcy... ", I called out, " Can't you go back? Can't you return to your normal life that you are used to living. I don't want to drag you into this anymore. "

As I spoke, a gentle smile appeared on his face.

" Why? Are you worried? ", He asked smirking.

" Yes! I'm worried about you getting beaten the moment they catch up to us. Noah is a jealous kind of guy and he usually doesn't like guys around me. ", I tried to explain but he shushed me.

" I would have cared about what he likes if he was your boyfriend but he's not so his thoughts mean nothing to me. If you were my girlfriend, I would have treated you with everything that I can give and not waste my time being a dick to you. Personally, I think you underestimate me just because I'm a bit skinny. In reality, I can kick slam people into walls and stuff like that. ", He said reassuringly but my cheeks were already growing pink since he told me how he would treat me if I was his girl.

Like, I know he's just stating an example but still...

" Good for you but what good is your kick if he shoots you from a distance? ", I asked back but he just shoved his leftover hotdog in my mouth.

" Shut up Abigail. You are just so desperate to see me die by your ex lover's hands but sorry to ruin your dreams because I'll be sending him to god by the end of it. ", He got up and shook off the crumbs from his pants.

I swallowed the piece and got up too.

" Where to now? ", I asked and he started typing something in his phone.

" You lost your passport right? I know someone who will make a passport for you within two days. I told him about you and we have to go to fill in all the details. ", He said.

" A passport in two days? It's illegal isn't it? ", I asked and he nodded.
" Watch this hypocrite man! You literally spent over an hour trying to get me to leave the world of crime and be a nice person. "

" Shh. Let's go. ", Darcy pressed his fingers on my lips to shut me up.
From there we took the bus and in about half an hour, we got down. The streets were weirdly not crowded at all even though it was broad daylight.

" What's this shady place? ", He asked himself as he checked the GPS on his phone.
" But it says we are on the correct location. "

" Don't worry, you can't expect a whole crowd where illegal stuffs happens. It's only natural. ", I reassured him and looked around, till I found the passport shop. It was disguised as a photo studio but I already knew that what was it. In my five years of experience, it can't get any obvious.

" Wait! Why is there a photo studio here? I thought it's a passport office. ", Darcy said when a man walked out of the shop and the two men meet face to face.

" You are Robert right? We came for the p— ", Darcy was about to talk when the guy shoved his head in his arms and dragged him inside.
I followed in and at first it was a basic studio but as we walked further in, we reached a storage vault looking room.
Finally letting go of Darcy, Robert got seated on the other side of the table. We settled down as well.

" Okay. Who needs a passport? ", He asked and I raised my hand momentarily while looking a Darcy.
" A hundred thousand dollars. That is if you want it in a week. Then the money goes up as much as faster as you want. "

Hundred thousand dollars!

" Okay. I want it in two days. How much is it? ", He asked and I turned towards him in shock. Is this man insane? Why will he spend so much money for me.

" Seven hundred thousand dollars— Cash. ", Robert said making me choke on my spit. This man is clearly looting us but I have no other way.

" D-Deal. ", Darcy said, his voice faltering a bit. I looked down at my hands and saw my lighter.

" Wait! ", I stopped them. Coming a bit closer to Darcy's ears, I whispered.
" You said you wanted to see what I did with my lighter right? Lemme show you now. "

" Are you going to attack him? ", Darcy panicked a bit but I had already pulled up my lighter.

" Robert. ", I spoke and flicked open the lighter as the flame jumped up and danced around from the gentle wind blowing around.

Robert stopped moving and looked intently at the fire. As I moved it around, his gaze followed till I stopped.

" Who am I? ", I asked.

" Abigail Walters. ", He answered.

" What do I want from you? ", I asked again.

" Your passport. "

" When do I need it? "

" In two days. "

" How much are you gonna make me pay? ", I asked as I stood up and moved closer to him.

" Hund— ", he started but I stopped him.

" Four cents. ", I answered and he nodded. Darcy let out a choking sound as he heard me speak.

" Four cents. ", He nodded and pulled out a form. I took it from him and filled it up.

" Here, make the passport within a day and call me. Here's your money. ", I spoke my last words and placed four cents on his desk. He took it in and got up.

" Sure. I'll start working. ", Robert said reassuringly so I snapped my fingers and closed the lighter. Now he's gonna stay in my trance unless he's woken up by some external force. My hypnosis was strong so it's unlikely to be broken that easily. I should be getting my passport by that time anyway.

Silently, I got up and took Darcy out of that place. Now sure that we are pretty far away from that shop, I let out a sigh of relief.

" You... You can do magic? ", He exclaimed suddenly.

" Not magic. It's called hypnosis. I hypnotised that guy so that I can get him to do exactly what I want. ", I answered him as I lifted the lighter near his face.

He flinched away.

" No no no! Don't do anything to me. I swear I'll not go against you. ", Darcy spoke while hiding his face behind his arms.

A laugh left my lips so I pulled down the lighter from his face.

" I won't. Don't worry. I can't even do this more than twice a day so I won't be wasting my magic on you. ", I said and started walking even though it was a lie. I hypnotised him yesterday for no reason but just to help him have a better time at the museum.
He walked up beside me.

" You manipulated my memories last day, didn't you? I can't remember exactly what I did or not but I do remember you pulling out your lighter. I'm already a victim of yours. ", Darcy spoke dramatically.

" Victim? That's a bold word. You kind of complained about not being able to see actually good art work so I hypnotised you to see everything you find beautiful in art form. If not anything, you should be thanking me Darcy. ", I said as I eyed him up and down for a second.

" Sure Aby. ", He flicked his tongue as he walked past me.

" Aby? ", I asked.

He stopped, turning around to face me.
" Why? Should I not call you that? ", He asked with an innocent face.

I looked down at the ground, a bit flustered.

" S-Sure whatever. ", I said, trying really hard to sound nonchalant but I don't know how it came of to him.


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