21- No ❤️

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Mom 👩🏾‍🦱

I left already, but I forgot I picked up birth control from your doctor while we went to California. It's on counter.

But still use protection!! This is just for extra safety measures.

Eva 👩🏽‍🦱

No ❤️

Mom 👩🏾‍🦱

You take it everyday, even if you're not doing anything. So set a daily alarm.


You use both or nothing at all.

Eva 👩🏽‍🦱

Nothing it is 😌

Mom 👩🏾‍🦱


You're pranking me? Right?

Eva 👩🏽‍🦱

Yes mom.

Thank you

Mom 👩🏾‍🦱


Just as I read the last text, my phone dies.

"Tsukki! Eat the last strawberry!" Yamaguchi shouts, happily shoving it towards him. I put my phone away, looking up at the two.

Yamaguchi shut up." Tsukishima grumbles, taking the strawberry anyways.

Tsukishima is very good to Yamaguchi from what I've seen. Sometimes when we all hang out and we tell each other about our days or our weekends, Yamaguchi goes on and on and on, and Tsukishima just listens, offering small commentary here and there.

It's really adorable, and I can tell they care for each other a lot.

But still...he's always telling him to shut up. If I were Yamaguchi I'd be crying.

"You shut up." I look at Tsukishima. "Shut up Tsukishima. Shut up, be quiet, be quiet, shhh, shut upppppp." I grin.

Both of the boys stopped what they were doing and are now just staring at me in shock.

"That's what you're always saying to Yamaguchi-Kun. Be nice to him, he's going to leave you one day." I frown.

"I'll never leave Tsukki!!" Yamaguchi says, worriedly looking at his friend. "I promise, okay Tsukki?"

"Yamaguchi shu-" Tsukishima catches himself then lets out a sigh. "Yeah, whatever."

Alright. I guess there's really no way Tsukishima can mess up and make Yamaguchi dislike him.

"But hey." Tsukishima looks at me. "Dont say that to me again. I don't like hearing it from you." He says and I let out a breath of relief.

"I'm sorry. I didn't like saying it." I admit and a small smile comes over his lips.

"Tsukki, want to go to the aquarium today?" Yamaguchi asks a few seconds later.

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