1- Sukeychima Kei

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Tsukishima Kei

"Okay everyone, due to some behavioral issues in the lower classes, we are forced to come up with seating arrangements. Please find the desk that holds the card with your name. That will be your seat for the remainder of the school year." Our teacher announces, and a few low sighs can be heard.

Yamaguchi looks at me worriedly and I just shrug, walking off to find my new seat. He follows right behind me, also looking at the cards on the empty desks.

"Your seat hasn't moved at all! And now I'm sitting next to you. Isn't that great Tsukki?" Yamaguchi beams.

I look at my desk, then at the one to my left and raise an eyebrow. It's nothing to be that excited about.

"Mm. Really great." I reply, glancing at the the desk to my right.

トーマス エヴァ is typed onto the card, then underneath it in marker is the romaji version, Tōmas Eva.

That's the foreigner.

I scan the room and see her finish talking to the teacher before looking around. There's a few empty desks, so I just point to the one that's hers.

Her eyes brighten a little and she points at herself. I give a slight nod, sitting down in my seat.

She comes over, looking at the card on the desk and lets out a small gasp. She turns to me, giving a short bow before sitting down.

Did she really get happy over someone telling her where her desk is?

"Tsukki, what do you think of our opponents tomorrow?" Yamaguchi asks. "Do you think I'll get to play?"

I hesitate for a second, unsure which question to answer first.

"I don't know what to think of them. They're good, I guess. Though, all we need is those two idiots and we'll be fine. At least, that's what the rest of the team thinks." I roll my eyes. "And...I think you will play. Your serves have been getting better." I add.

Playing with him since we were in elementary, I don't think he sucks. But he gets no playing time, which frustrates me a little.

I know it's for the best regarding the team...but I don't want Yamaguchi going through the same thing as my brother. Maybe I should take up one of his offers to get in some extra practice so he can improve and be on the court with us.

Or not. It's literally none of my business anyways.

"I hope we win again! I'm really excited!" Yamaguchi says happily.

The teacher grabs our attention, starting the first lesson of the day, and we go quiet.


The next few days go by normally. We won our game and classes were as boring as usual.

Since the foreigner sat next to me now, I couldn't help but to be curious about her. It's not common for us to get foreigners, and even more uncommon for them to be in the college prep classes.

I discreetly tried to watch her do her work, and was completely shocked to see that she doesn't take notes. She pays attention to the lesson, but hardly writes anything down.

She must be really smart to not take notes and still complete her class work.

"Okay class. Since these past few days have been heavy lectures, I thought it'd be a good idea to let you guys work on these next few worksheets in pairs." Our teacher sets down her lesson plan.

A string of excited gasps goes around, but quickly disappear at the teachers next words.

"I have partners for you already. Pass this clipboard around and pair up with your classmate then come get the worksheet. You guys are allowed to work out in the courtyard if you please, but must be back before class ends or else you'll face a punishment."

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