The Teacher {Part 5} Final

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Mono's Pov
I went up the stairs as Six was behind me.  We then saw a bookshelf and we climbed it and we both went in a vent and on the other side we saw the teacher playing the piano very badly. We both look up to see a way to pass the teacher above her. I went down the bookshelves and slowly crept behind her to get to the lever as I turned it to make the thing above the teacher and it started to move down as Six went across. I stopped turning and used a wheeled stool to move and hide me as I got back to the book shelf I climbed up the stool and the bookshelves and I went across and I help Six to open the vent door as it open the teacher heard and we went in and we haded to run I saw the teacher's head in the vent as my eyes widen.

Mono: SIX GO RUN!*starts to run croch*


Mono: *climbs the ladder quickly and runs and went out the vent to see Six holding her hand out as he grabbed it and kept running *

Mono's Pov
We kept running until we got out and slided down a roof ramp as we fell in a garbage bin as the teacher stick her long neck out and looked around then went back in the school and it was raining outside and it was very cold and Six didn't have anything warm to wear.

I have a cute chapter for the next one.

Six's Protector  { Mono X Six} 《Little Nightmares 2》Where stories live. Discover now