Kirishima, Bakugo - i chose you

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This is based off the song "chasing cars" by Snow Patrol. Great song not gonna lie, anyways i might need to explain this chapter later. Sorry if it gets cheesy :T

"WATCH OUT!" Nirikirma shouted at you and pushed you out the way and was hit with the blazing fire. You crashed into Kirishima's arms. He held you tightly as you tried to escape his hands. His eyes were just as wide as yours for the sacrifice. You eventually gave up and came close to his chest, "He s-saved me" You cried into his chest as he patted your back.
, "We'll do it all......Everything....On our own" a tear dropped from your cheek. Mina found you and came over to comfort you. She continued for you, "we dont need.....Anything....Or anyone...."
She hugged you as she smiled along softly.

Sero stood up from his hiding place and felt sympathy towards you, "If i lay here.....If i just lay here.....Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" He tilted his head down and took back his spot. "I dont quite know...How to say....How i feel" Tokoyami gave a firm nod with dark shadow behind him.

Kirishima widened his eyes as he looked at you, he stood up and and helped you up. His hand grasped your cheek, "Those three words, are said too much...They're not enough" you smiled softly.
A voice piped up from the back of the alleyway and Momo walked over to hug you as well, "If i lay here, If i just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

"Forget what we're told, Before we get too old. Show me a garden that's Bursting into life" Todoroki sighed and looked up at you from the top of the post he was at. You smiled with tears coming down your face and Kirishima stayed by your side. You were held tightly in his hands.

Bakugo was shoved into the wall and he growled before seeing you all in tears. He sighed and came up to you, "Let's waste time.......Chasing cars....Around our heads" his lips touched yours and you smiled, hugging him. Kirishima came to you and did the same, hugging you as well and continued, "I need your grace....To remind me....To find my own." A tear fell from his cheek as well and he placed his head in the crook of your neck. Bakugo walked back into the alleyway and hugged you and continued along side with Kirishima in unison, "If i lay here, If i just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

Midoriya sighed and came next to you, " Forget what we're told, Before we get too old. Show me a garden that's bursting into life" he smiled.
Kirishima looked back up at you and stared into your e/c (eye colour) eyes. All that i am. All that i ever was, Is here in your perfect eyes. They're all i can see." He kissed your nose and you smiled throwing yourself at him. Bakugo pushed him out the way and jumped up using his explosion as a boost to get on top of the building. "I dont know where, Confused about how as well. Just know that these things will never change for us at all" he brought you into a hug of friendship, admitting his loss to Kirishima about winning you over.

- 2 weeks later in the hospital -

You stood by Nirikirma's bed holding his hand tightly. You closed your eyes and sighed. You felt his grip tighten and his eyes flustered open. "If i lay here, If i just lay here....Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" Your eyes widened and you smiled, Kirishima coming up next to you and smiling that his friend had woken up. Your brother.

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