All might - tiny-might

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The amazing image you see up there is from me the one and only. I made it on pro-create. It took me about 2-3 hours to finish (extracting the fact that I was at school when I came up with this idea) so anyways. It's all might as a visco girl. SKSKSKKSKSKSKS read on....

All the names used in this chapter are used from "top girls names in Japan" (search it up on google, first result)

"AAAAGH" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. I panted, the nurse at my feet looking concerned and continued talking to me to keep me calm, "Ms. L/n, please stay with us and keep pushing" I nodded and went into my quirk state to calm me down. My quirk being meditation.

Creating quirks is fun

I became calm, still feeling exhausted and failing the state, then falling unconscious.


"She's beautiful!" I heard a voice cry. "We'll name her...y/n l/n" the woman smiled at me and held me close to her chest.


I woke up to the sound of crying and smiled, relieved. "Mr. Yagi, you're free to enter now" the nurse said and opened the door with a smile, letting my fiancé inside the room. He ran to my side. "She's beautiful!" I exclaimed and held my daughter to my chest. "Himari" I looked at Toshinori with a shocked face. "Good hollyhock?" I tilted my head a little at the meaning. "It's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" I saw tears forming in his eyes. I nodded and kissed the top of Himari's head. "My little tiny-might" I smiled. Toshinori turned into his All Might form and hugged me and Himari. He turned back into his skinny form and quickly spat out the blood from his mouth, making our daughter cry. "Toshinori! Careful!" I said softly, trying not to make our daughter angry. My h/c (hair Color) brushed upwards, meaning my quirk was activated. I used my quirk to calm down my daughter, when I use my quirk, sometimes I can make people float from tranquility.

He put on a concerned face and bowed down explaining his apology.

-at Himari's 1st day of school-

-All Might POV-

"Bye dad!" She yelled back at me and waved a quick goodbye, heading off with Aizawa's kid, Ichika. A tear fell from my big smile, I stayed in my All Might form around children just so they wouldn't get scared of my ragged skinny look. "All Might! Woah! My dad says he was trained by you!" I looked down at my feet and saw a little boy with the same freckles and hair as somebody I knew. "Hiroshi! Don't annoy All Might!" I heard a similar voice and Midoriya ran to his son and picked him up. "Sorry All Might, he's just a big fan" he gave off a smile.

"Looks just like how you were" his smiled turned into a wide eyed look. "Huh?" He tilted his head a bit. "Your son...he looks just like you"
"Your daughter looks a bit like you too" he said pointing at my daughter in the distance.

She had the same blonde hair as me, the 2 stray hairs now being dropped down like they are in my skinny form. She had my eyes, but with the white parts of it of course.

"Heh, I guess she does" I turned to look back at Midoriya. "Well you might want to hurry up, I have an important matter to discuss." I winked towards Hiroshi. He smiled big and grabbed onto his father's neck. He waved while Midoriya carried his son to the school building.

"These new generations of quirks will be a unique one...Midoriya should have an idea of who to pass his quirk onto" I thought out loud, nobody close enough to hear me.

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