"Please, Yunho," Seonghwa begged as he pulled the baby back for the nth time, trying to lay him down. It took him another ten minutes before he gave up eventually and let the baby crawl around as he liked. The parent sighed defeated and leaned back into the soft cushion of their couch, watching Yunho quite happily roll over to the large window. He sat in front of it, put his hands on the cool glass and just watched how the people and cars got coated with the heavy snow.

Seonghwa didn't really get what was so fascinating by watching the snow for so long without getting bored, but he wouldn't complain. As his little angel was a ball of fluff and too much energy, usually everything got him bored in a short amount of time. Now he was kept quite busy; he wouldn't complain.


Hongjoong sheepishly looked at the snowball in his hand, then to his husband who had Yunho in his arm, playing around. He knew he shouldn't but the temptation was just too much. So, he threw it, hitting the back of Seonghwa's head dead-on.

Cold dripped down his neck and slid into this coat, down his back. The elder stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around. "You see, Yunnie, sometimes your Daddy just wants to sleep on the couch," he said and put his baby down. Yunho was wrapped in a thick snowsuit, in which he could barely move, and the gloves and hat his grandmother had knitted for him. The snow wasn't really high but Yunho wasn't much taller either, so he almost sank in completely.

When Hongjoong met his husband's eyes, he tipped his lips and tried to hold a laugh. Then, the elder bent down and formed a snowball himself, not laughing at all. "Just one- c'mon, Hwa-" Snow right in his face cut off his words, a second attack followed just a second later, hitting his chest. "Okay you had your revenge-"

"Yuyu, you want to see how Papa kicks Daddy's little too comfy butt?"



When the water was warm enough, Hongjoong turned it off and added a bathduck and a little of the bubble soap, before scooping up the baby next to him. It was his turn with bathing Yunho while his husband prepared their son's meal and tea to finally put him to sleep.

Washing Yunho was the cutest, yet most exhausting task he had done. The toddler loved bathing time, playing in the warm water with his duck and bubbles just made him happy and no-one complained. Yet taking him out was another story. Him crying and being a brat got overshadowed by his bubbly self anyway.

As Hongjoong was gently washing his son's fragile body, there was a warm feeling that sprouted in his chest. He loved this child unconditionally, of course he did. Being a parent had been something they both had wished for so long, yet it gave him a lot of anxiety on the other end. Hongjoong was well aware how cruel media's backlash could be, how his profession will interfere with him being a father and Yunho being his son in the future. Yet, whenever Yunho just looked at him with these big eyes that got fascinated by just everything, the world just shut down.

His own father hadn't been his role model at any point of his life, and he did deal with the anxiety of ever being like him, but just holding his son gave him peace and insurance. Hongjoong would do this right, he had to and he was sure he could. In the end he held the world's biggest treasure right in his hands.

He rinsed out the shampoo in Yunho's hair and washed the small body with a soapy washcloth. When he was done, Hongjoong took a rather big, but thick and soft towel and picked Yunho out of the tub, wrapping him right in the towel. There was only a little whining this time, little gibberish nos.

And as he dried him with the towel, tickling him and coating his body with moisturizer, Hongjoong's chest felt so light again.

"Daddy loves you, mhm?"

"No matter how old you are"

"Daddy will always protect you, Yunho"

Ah yes, here I am😀

I know, I know this is late as hell but I may explain myself!

This is my little Yunho's birthday special!

I started it like a day before his birthday, though I'm in the middle of a writers block💀🤚

And somehow everything I write just sounded terrible so-

I tried my best with this though so please take baby yuyu bathing time with Daddy Joongie and spare my life-


I know that right now everything may just feel like it's crumbling down, but I hope that you know I stand next to you.

You're not alone with anything and it's okay to take your time. We're humans, not robots that have to work on time.

I just wanted to say this, as I think maybe someone (like me huh) may feel a little on edge about the thought of becoming an adult, starting a new chapter of life or struggling with anything.

It's okay to take a break.

And yes, I know it's hard to admit to yourself that you need it, you're not weak to need it. It's okay and we deserve it.

With that being said, I wish all of you a great day<3

Stay healthy and safe


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