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Title- Cooking Confessions!
Words- 1000+
Request- Yes!
TW- Swearing.
Description- Karl and Quackity do a cooking stream with special guest M/N and Karl builds up the courage to confess to him!

(Your basically replacing Austin, R.I.P Austin. Also not accurate because it's not a competition.)


Karl and Big Q were doing a cooking stream with a guest that Karl had known for years, M/N.

M/N was a 21 year old known for his Minecraft and Roblox streams, playing all sorts of games. Also he was like Eret, with being openly part of the LGBTQ+ community. He would read fan fiction for his streams and there were x readers that were all female, and he would say things like, 'why can't you see I like dick and balls, not.. girl parts..'

(I'm listening to music while writing this and my playlist decided to play sweater weather.)

Karl and M/N met on a Roblox server, none of them were streaming just playing because they were bored. M/N decided he wanted to start beef so he picked Karl's avater, let's just say after the game they texted on Roblox and became friends, shortly after finding out that they were both streamers and had similar interests.

It was only when M/N first came to visit Karl when he realized he had feelings for the Angry male. They were watching a movie and he couldn't stop looking at him.

So that brings us to just before the stream, M/N hadn't arrived yet as the hotel he was staying at had a problem so Big Q and Karl were casually chatting.

(Now it's playing heatwaves, I don't ship dnf so I've never read the fanfic I just think it's a good song but what the heck?)

Quackity was talking about something but Karl wasn't listening, he kept turning his head to the door impatiently waiting for M/N to come in.

"Alright Lover boy why aren't you listening to me?"

"What?" Karl turns his head to Quackity giving him a confused look.

"You keep turning your head to the door it's obvious somethings up!"

"I'm just waiting for M/N, he's my best friend!"

"Well first of all Ouch, second of all, you might not want to do that on stream, they will clearly see you have a crush on him."

"What? I don't have a crush on M/N! Why would you say that?" Karl was talking very quickly as his cheeks turn a bright red.

"Okay, whatever you say."

Just as Quackity said that the door burst open, "what's up fuckers?"

Karl smiles and runs up to M/N, "M/N!"

"Karl!" They both crash into each other and hug for a while.

"Okay, okay M/N put your stuff over there and we will get the stream started.

M/N does as he was told and Karl walks back over to Quackity.

"If you don't confess to him, I will do it for you." Big Q says just before he starts the stream. Karl was just about to say something back when Quackity starts talking again, "just go over there and come back when I say."

Karl nods and gets out of frame from the camera. M/N also joins him a couple of seconds late.

"Chat, chat I lied, it's only me here today. I'm sorry... aha! Just kidding! Let's get the first person in here!"

Karl then runs in going over and they both jump up and down screaming 'lets go!'

When they calm down Quackity talks again, "Today chat, we are doing the official cooking stream! I promised a god damn cooking stream and it's happening, it's happening we're doing it, your honor we did it. Alright, and also here with us, C/N, (channel name.)!"

"AYY!" You came running in crashing into Karl's arms making you both fall down.

You all laughed for a while before getting back up and continuing the introduction.

"Wait we need to reintroduce Wait go back." Quackity says as you both walk out of camera view again.

"Right chat, today is going to be a very simple, a very simple situation. Listen, before we get started, i just wanna make it clear everyone, has been Covid tested and we are safe, That being said! I don't think I should be doing this cooking stream alone, which is why those to are here, I invited the worst two cooks, that I've ever met, in my fucking life,"

Karl then walks into the frame. Then quickly walks back out embarrassed because it was not the time. While Quackity kept rambling on you hugged Karl as you normally did that randomly sometimes.

You had to drag Karl out of the view a couple times because he kept walking in front of the camera. Finally he introduced Karl but you walked in instead.

"Man, your not fucking Karl. Your not Karl your actually not Karl."

After about five minutes you got it Kinda of right.

"Okay the first contestant, Karl!"

You both clap and whoop behind camera and Quackity gives you a Really? Look.

Karl then goes into the camera screaming and cheering. He then asks Karl a couple of questions before introducing you.

"And the next contestant, the big man himself, C/N!"

Again you come running in and jump on Karl's back.


Eventually you finished the cooking, it took a while but it was done. You all decided that you were going to add squirty cream to it so you grabbed from the fridge.

After you added some Karl said, "Can I have some?"

"It's on your food you fucking asshole."

"No like now."

"Oh, sure."

You give Karl the cream and he eats some, but has a little bit on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh Karl you've got a bit just there."


"No you dickhead, here let me do it."

You take your thumb and move the cream from the corner of his mouth. You both just stay there staring at each other. And before you know it, you kissed Karl. Infront of thousands of people.


"I heard you liked me Karl. I overheard your conversation."

"What conversation? I don't know what your on about."

You laugh, "Okay, just know I love you, dumbass."

He looks down and hugs you, burying his head in the crook of your neck.

"I love you to.."

"Alright lovebirds! Let's taste test!"

Shit.. you forgot Quackity was even there..

Next- Philza...

(Are you ready...)

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