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Title- 3am.
Words- 800+
Request- Yes!
TW- None.
Description- M/N and dream share their first kiss at a ungodly hour.


M/N and dream have only been dating for 2 months, and they still haven't had there first kiss. Trust me they have come close to it.

They were about to when dream finished streaming, but he was still in discord so someone joined, and you didn't get the kiss.

You were also about to when you and him were watching a cheesy film. But then patches decided it was a good idea to knock over a cup and smash it.

So yeah, you tried but it never worked. You would think that it would as you lived together for more then 2 years, as you were roommates before lovers.

Right now it was 4:30pm and you went out with your friend F/N (friends name) to a small cafe near their cafe.

"So, how are you and dream doing?"

"Well," you hesitate to tell them. What if they think your weird? They had their first kiss either their partner after a week of dating. After a lot of thinking you decided, "not very well, we haven't had our first kiss yet.."

"Hm, whys that?"

"We have tried to, but something always went wrong, I wish it was as easy as yours."

"Well, why don't you do it at a different time? Obvythe world doesn't want you to do it then?"


You finish up the drink you were drinking and got up.

"Thanks for the advice. I'll use it."

"No problem, being a couple for the first time is hard, you shouldn't rush yourself."

"Thank you really, ill text you how it goes. Fingers crossed!"

They laugh, and get up. "I should get back, my partner will be worried about me."

"Have a good day!"

"Good luck!"


Meanwhile with Dream he was walking through the shop on call with sapnap and George. He had his headphones in so no one else could hear the conversation.

"So, why did you call us while your shopping again?" A British voice asks.

"M/N, we haven't," he looks to see if anyone else was In the isle. "We haven't kissed yet.." he mumbles.

"You haven't!? You've been dating for two months!?" Sap says.

"Well I know that, it's just things have happened and it's resulted in us not really, you know."

He picks up all the shopping he has and puts it on the conveyer so that the person can scan it, some sweets, chocolate and flowers.

"I don't know what to say man, maybe you should just wait and see what he does."

"Yeah, I agree with sap, just wait and let it pan out."

"Yeah, maybe I should I'm just overreacting." He pays the cashier and grabs the shopping walking out of the shops doors shortly after.

"I'm going to go now, can't talk and drive at the same time."

"Good luck bro."

"Good luck dream."

"Thanks, see you later."

He gets into the car and begins driving to McDonald's. When he gets there he orders your favourite meal from there, and orders the same for himself.


Dream pulls up the drive of his house and gets out with flowers and McDonald's in one hand, while the other hand has a bag of snacks inside.

As he couldn't get his keys out at the moment he knocks their door. And the person who opened it. Yo of course!

"Hey, these are for you." You blush.

"Oh, thank you."

"I also got ya some McDonald's... it's your favorite!"

"Dream, is didn't get you anything!"

He laughs while you step out of the way so he could go in.


After finishing up dinner and watching TV it was 12:00am. So you to got up, went for showers. (Separately) and got into bed.

By now it was 2:58am and you couldn't fall asleep. So you looked over to the right of you.

"Dream...dream are you awake?"

He stirred a bit before opening his eyes, "what's wrong M/N?

"I can't sleep."

You both roll over to face each other your faces close together.


A piece of hair falls over your face and dreams quick to put it back over your ear.

"M/N.." he whispers.

Both of your eyes fall to each others lips.

"Can I...can I kiss you?"

He looks at you for a second before he Puts his lips against you, the old grandfather clock you had made a noise signaling it was 3am.

You pull apart for a second and look at him, "we finally did it..."

He smiles. "I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for that."

You place your forehead against his, "me neither."

You both smile again.

For the rest of the night you to lay staring at each other before finally falling asleep.


Next- Wilbur.

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