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Title- Memory's.
Words- 1100+
Request- Yes!
TW- don't think so...
Description- Philza tells the story of M/N, the oldest of the SBI, to his sons that didn't know about him.

(You can imagine the age as long as it's older then the others and younger then Phil. Also I Now Techno is just a old friend to Phil, so we are just going to imagine he isn't. Minecraft AU)


Phil, Wilbur, Techno and Tommy were all in the attic of their shared home, searching through old boxes. The boys were still young when they moved in, so they had never seen what were in them.

They had bring all the boxes downstairs into the living room to go through them. The first box was things from their old house that didn't need to be in the new one. The second were things they had when they were younger, such as Teddy's and drawings.

They opened the rest before coming to the final box. Tommy opened this box, and inside were lots of photos, so they decided to go through them. Some were from their childhood, some were from Philzas childhood, but there was one they couldn't get there head around.

"Hey Phil? Who's that?"

Wilbur points at a photo in Techno's hand. It was a picture of them all and one person they didn't know. They seemed to be on a picnic with different sorts of bread and fruit. Techno and Wilbur were in the background playing with wooden swords, while Tommy was trying to grab a butterfly with his small baby hands. Phil was sitting on the red and white blanket laughing at Tommy.

While the Mysterious boy was making what seemed to be necklaces, with things he must of brought from his house.

Philza smiles and takes the photo, "M/N.."

"M/N? Who's that?" Tommy asks.

"Well.. do you know our lockets? The ones we are wearing now? He made them, so we don't forget about him.. I guess that backfired.." he says whispering the last part.

Phil always remembered M/N, how could he not? He was his first ever son. He also remembered that day of the picnic clearly.

It was a tradition they always used to do, each month they would have a picnic and forget about any troubles, fights or problems they had. Just a day that nothing could go wrong...

Philza remembers M/N saying he had a fear of people forgetting who he is, so on that day he made his whole family lockets, shaped like the heart Phil has.

He made Phil a black one, Techno a pink one, Wilbur a yellow one and Tommy a red one. He also made himslef a white one. They all had a picture of a different person in it, like Wilbur and Techno had each other as they were twins, Tommy had Philza, Philza had M/N and M/N had Tommy.

Anyway, that was the last day any of them had seen M/N, he took his locket and left, disappeared out of thin air.

Philza looks up from the photo and at his other sons, "Well boys.. he's also.. your brother. You have always asked who is in my locket.. it's him.. and he has you Tommy.."

Tommy looks down embarrassed. "So he's our brother.. but wouldn't we remember him?"

"You would think so son... but you guys were quite young, maybe not seeing him for a long time made you forget."

Techno looks outside the window and watches the snow fall.

Truth be told he remembered M/N to, he always looked up to him. Techno always wanted to be like M/N, I guess you could say when he left he became the monotone pigman he is now.

Wilbur remembered the face, but couldn't quite tell who he was. And Tommy, well he had no clue at all.

"He always loved all of you, sometimes he'd go out for a couple of days and you would all be sad but then he would come back with things you like to say sorry. And he always gave me a new bucket hat."

"Wait, that weird bucket hat you have on your head is because our brother gave it to you?" Tommy asks.

Philza laughs and takes the hat of his head looking at it, spinning it around every now and then. He would never tell anyone, but you were always his favorite. He'd give you things he didn't give the others, he also gave you a potion so you could have wings like him.

"So Phil.." techno starts, "This M/N.. how did you meet him?"

"Good question.. I was walking around mineing when a bunch of Zombies came out of nowhere, I killed them and were about to leave when I heard crying. So I went further into the cave ad there was a little baby there. The zombies had obviously taken him in and growing him up, I felt really bad that I probably killed his parents so I took him under my wing.."

Techno gives a small smile, he had never heard that story before.

Tommy sits up looking more interested in the conversation, "oh, what was he like?!"

"M/N?" He sighs and smiles, "He has a trait similar to all of you, Tommy, he was very loud when he wanted to be, if he was ever angry or excited, you would have to cover your ears. He was also a bit like Techno. He loved history and could ramble on about it for hours from wars to witches, you name it he knew it, and most of all Wilbur, he used to play all of you bedtime story's, you know your guitar Wilbur? Well that used to be his.. the music he played was very calming and many of the town came to hear him play."

They all looked proud that they were a bit like M/N. Sure they couldn't remember much about him but they were glad they had atleast a bit in common with their brother.

Wilbur was the one who asked the final question, which was quite painful to all of them. "Where is he now?"

Philza looks at his sons, "I don't know mate... I wish I did I loved him more then you could imagine. My first son.." he could hold it anymore, he starts silently crying.

Philzas crying also sets of Tommy, then Wilbur, and then Techno has a tiny tear rolling down his cheek. One by one they all walk over to Phil and hug him. Making a group hug.

M/N stands behind them. Wings spreading protectively around them trying to hug them back. But he failed. He never meant to die.. he just wanted to get his siblings some things. He never meant to go into The village. But it's not his fault... he never saw that smile coming...

Next- Puffy.

(I know some things about puffy so it might not be accurate but some is better then none! Also, I think my writings getting better! Also again, I need to start putting meanings after things because some of you didn't know what F/F meant, (favorite food.) have a nice day/night/evening and make sure to drink plenty of water!)

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