"Good God, ouch!"

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"dad?!" Grecia snaps away from Romeo.

She sees her father infuriating by the second, being popping in his skull and neck. Face turning red.

She shakes Romeo up, "come back to bed." He groans. Romeo gets up and snaps his eyes open when he sees Luke.

"Luke, i can explain." He says getting up.

"Explain why you're in bed with my daughter?! no no, you're student?" Luke screams rushing to Romeo's side and punching him hard in the face.

"Dad!" Grecia exclaims after gasping and rushes to fallen Romeo.

"You're coming with me young lady. And Romeo i'll see you in court." Luke says tugging at Grecia's arm hard.

"No dad. I'm not leaving let's talk."

"there is nothing to talk about. We're leaving."

"i'm not."

"It's not up to you."

"actually it is, dad. I'm legal and you have no word on me."

"wow," He scoffs, "I thought it was you and i against the world, figlia, now you're throwing all that away for a guy? you've disappointed me." He says before leaving the room and probably the apartment.

"Oh god, Romeo." She says flipping her hair to one side and crouching near him, "i'm sorry. Do you have a first air kit?"

"Bathroom." He points holding his head up to stop the blood.

"No, don't. This makes it worse." She holds his head down.

"on the bed." She demands emerging from the bathroom holding the kit.

"You're too bossy for someone who's father just punched me." He says smirking.

"come back to bed." She mocks him from before.

"Do me and shut up." He demands sitting up on the bed.

Grecia bumps his hands away, making it go from his face. She tries to sit next to him but he ends up being to far. She tries standing but his hands on her waist didn't help in the focusing part.

Romeo takes her thigh and rotates it over him so that she's kind of straddling him, but not actually since she didn't make their areas meet.

"Good god, ouch!" He groans as soon as she touches his nose.

"Sorry..." she whispers, and continues dabbing the cloth to clear out the blood.

Soon, Grecia is finished with cleaning him up, "good news it's not broken so- Romeo?" She says holding his head up.

Romeo has fallen in deep sleep and she realized that the only reason his head was up is because she was holding it up. She lets go of his head slowly and let us rest on her chest as she's still sitting on him. Grecia puts the antiseptic down and holds his head to her chest firmly as she puts him down on the bed like a little baby.

She kisses the top of his head and gets off of him, going to her room, and getting dressed.

I need to fix something, i'll be back before dinner. -G

The note on the counter said. Grecia gets into her car and drives up to an all too familiar place, a place she almost forgot she lived in.

"Dad?" She yells as she open the door, "Dad i know you're here, i can see you shoes."

"What, Grecia?" He emerges from his closet with two shirts in his hand.

"First off, why are you packing?"

"It's five months remember? I just came to surprise you for your birthday." Luke says setting the shirts in the bag.

Ah Grecia's birthday. Grecia hated her birthday. Cliche right? But her mother genuinely ruined it for her. The day Grecia turned 10 her mother announced her affair and left. Ever since, she would celebrate her birthday by staying in her room huddled around her friends and dad.

Call me delusional, but that seemed to not be happening this year.

"Dad, sit." She demands, "Dad." She whines.

Luke takes a deep breath and sits oppositely her on the bed.

"Dad hear me out. Have i ever had a boyfriend? or even a crush?"

"No." He rolls his eyes earning a smile from his daughter.

"Dad, i know this whole thing with Romeo is inappropriate only because he's my teacher-"

"and he's ancient" Luke argues.

"He just turned 23, i'm turning 19, that's four years. And you're one to talk. You and mom were 7ish years apart." She says and looks at her dad as he turned his gaze away from her, she reached for his hand, "But that didn't affect how much you loved her."

Luke stays in silence, looking at his hands wrapped around his daughters. "Dad, You know Romeo, He's great. He won't break my heart. And what you walked in on was the extent of it, sleeping in the same bed. I promise you we won't be doing anything until i graduate in two months."

oh, luke. so naive if you think that Grecia slept in the same bed with that man-candy and nothing happened.

"Dad. I love him." Grecia concludes her argument.

"Then do you." Luke smiles at his daughters showing his attractive dimples and the mini lines around his lips that would make any woman fall to her feet. Or knees.

Don't judge me, i'm only human.

A/N: The story's coming to an endddddd!!!!

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