"about last night."

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Grecia and Romeo snap out of each other's hold as the apartment doorbell rings multiple times.

"shit..." Grecia stumbles as she tried to put on her underwear and falls.

"i'll get the door, you fix this." Romeo whispers to her and rushes out the room, but comes back to kiss the back of her head and gets out.

Grecia quickly fixes Romeo's bed and shoves the clothes in the closet, then runs back to her room after giving a thumbs up to Romeo who's at the door.

Grecia throws on an over-sized shirt and shorts as she hears high pitched mumbling in the living room.

"I just missed you so much" a highly feminine voice said the door as Grecia heads to the living room.

"who's this?" A short red-headed woman that's hugging Romeo said.

"I'm Grecia, and call me delusional, but i dont think that's a way to greet someone." She says sarcastically as she looks between the redhead and Romeo, who has a proud smile on his face.

"uh," Romeo snaps out of his head, "Julia this is Grecia, a family friend. Grecia, this is Julia, also a family friend."

"oh come on, boo-bear," she slaps his chest playfully and he visibly tenses up, "we're more like best-friends" She says laughing as Romeo so obviously forces a smile.

"i don't think-" Romeo begins to whisper.

"is that so ?" Grecia says enthusiastically, fake too.

"yeah, in our teenage years Romeo would tell me to go to the pool and he'll find me."

"actually, i remember id tell you to go to the pool so you could leave me to study." He said seriously.

"ah, good times." she slaps him playfully again. For some reason, the closeness of them is bugging Grecia. A lot.

"not to sound too straight forward, but what are you doing here?" Romeo asks.

"well, your mother told me to tell you that we're having dinner at Julio's tonight."

"you couldn't say that over the phone?" He asks and even Grecia could sense his rudeness from the kitchen counter.

"well," Julia glances at Grecia to make sure she didn't hear the comment, which she did, "i was in the neighborhood, and i've missed you."

"got it." Romeo says and the three people sink into heated silence, "well, i have a meeting. You should bring Grino with you." Julia flashes a smile Grecia.

"it's Grecia."

"potato, potatoh," She waves Grecia off, hugs Romeo again, then leaves.

Romeo sits on the kitchen stool opposite to Grecia and stares at her as she fixes herself something to eat. "you're staring." she says not looking at him.

"about last night" Romeo says against his better judgment.

"yeah," she looks at Romeo, not able to read his face. But to her, it was regret. As soon as that thought crossed her mind she stands up rattling, overthinking.

"it was probably...yeah.. it's fine. i'm sorry it's my fault. I probably should have entered your room. Okay i have to go get ready. Bye sir." She says quickly as she panicked her way out of the living room into her bedroom, not giving Romeo a space to say anything.

Little did she know, he was about to tell her that it was the best night of his life. Now, she thinks he regrets it. And he thinks that she does.

"Grecia, be ready at 7." Grecia hears Romeo saying before the front door opens and slams shut startling her.

Grecia, still blue about what happened, decided to go to the park that's next to Romeo's apartment with Joe.

"Hey babes." Joe greets her.

"hello honey." Grecia goes in for a hug.

The pair talk for a bit before sinking into comfortable silence.

Joe sighs bringing Grecia back to earth, "Grecia, what's wrong?"

"what? nothing man." She shrugs him off.

"Grecia." He says in a tone she knows all too well.

"I dont know, i'm feeling stuff towards Romeo. I know it's taboo and i can't do anything about it but it's just...i dont know." She chuckles but Joe's face stay straight. Grecia tells him everything, including last night and today morning.

"Grecia, as your friend, i have to warn you. Because if someone knows you're breaking the rules, he could get fired and you expelled."

"i know i know." Grecia says averting eye contact.

"what is whole thing with him anyways?"

"pfft." Grecia scoffs waving her arm, "i'm Grecia, i dont get serious feelings."

He shoots her the same warning look he did before.

"okay, i like him. I really do, but lucky me, he's a family friend, my teacher, and regrets sleeping with me." She sighs breathlessly.

"Grecia, i say give it a shot with Gordon and try to wave any feelings you have for Mister Taylor. Be friends."

Grecia smiles at her friend. that's going to be easy, she thinks.

Oh, Romeo.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin