"im baby-sitting you"

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"get out, Grecia. For the love of god!" Grecia hears Romeo screaming at her the next morning to finish dressing up.

"i'm done." she says super calmly as she heads out to the living room.

"finally, jesus." he says rubbing his temple as he opens the door for Grecia to which she thanks him lowly.

They get into the elevator, both of them knowing they can't face what happened yesterday. Romeo can't even look at her face without thinking about how he finished just at the thought of her, and Grecia can't look at him without hearing his groaning and feeling his hands tight on her waist.

"Im driving you to your house to get your car right ?" Romeo said after he turns on his car.

"oh shit, i forgot the keys."

"ay for the mother of-" He starts saying.

"i'm kidding i'm kidding. Geez." She says and look over to see him clenching his jaw and rolling his eyes.

The couple sink into silence and discomfort for 40 minutes or so before reaching her house and she excuses herself.

"see you in detention." Romeo said not sparing Grecia a minute to come back at him.


Last period, Grecia felt ecstatic to have biology and she can finally see her favorite teacher again.

"have a seat class. Get comfortable." Romeo breathed with a hint of sarcasm as he hit a stack of papers on his desk.

"today, we're taking the medical ethics-" Romeo's voice started to fade in Grecia'a head as she starts thinking.

Is it possible that i like my teacher? and not just a crush, like a like-like. can you like someone after a few days of meeting them? of course idiot people like easily, they love hardly. Wait, why the fuck are you talking about love. Grecia, snap out it. You're Grecia, you're a player, a loner.

Grecia's thoughts are cut short but the high voice of her teacher. A tone which she didn't like at all.

"Grecia." he says crossing his hands to his chest, "are you with us?"

"yes sir."

"okay then." He leans against his desk, "Autonomy — Does it show respect for the patient and their right to make decisions?"

"um-" Grecia tries to think about an answer, any goddamn answer. All she got is that stutter.

Romeo scoffs, "exactly what i thought. You know what Grecia, how about you snap out of you little Grecia fun world and focus."

"I-" Grecia starts

"i don't wanna hear it." He waves her off. She feels her heart clenching in her chest, but instead of crying she motion the clench in her heart to the clench in her fist.

"class dismissed." He says not looking up to his class.

"are you gonna he ok?" kelsey asked her best friend, still in her seat as all her classmates pack outside.

"yeah. Remind the others i have detention so no one waits." Her friends nods and gets out. Grecia leaves the door a bit ajar as she heads to confront her teacher.

"what the hell was that about?" She said reliving the moment and feeling double the anger she felt back then.

"what the hell was what about?"

"you flipped out on me." She said.

"Well, you weren't paying attention in my class."

"that is so unfair." The high tone of hers causes Romeo to look up to her.

"why? why isn't it fair? Because i'm baby-sitting you till your dad is in town. i dont play favorites Miss Edmond." He said all so rudely, but he did have a point. A point which is now crystal clear to Grecia now; he only sees her as a student.

"right, you're absolutely correct." She said as the break in her voice immediately pulls Romeo back to life and make him realize who he's dealing with, and that in fact, he did have her as his favorite.

"Grecia, wait i-" He says as she heads for the door.

"no it's fine. I need to use the bathroom." She said gulping her hurt. Grecia, as always, was not one known to show emotion or cry.

"you still have detention." He said in hopes of making her stay, instead he just seems crueler in her eyes.

"i'll be back."

Oh, Romeo.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora