"You motherfucker..."

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"This is such bullshit!" Grecia says as she tries to zip herself up. "i'm killing myself, i swear." She twists and turns before finally getting ahold of the zipper and zips it up to her lower back.

Romeo and Grecia we're getting ready for their date night. As odd as it sounds.

This wasn't Grecia's first date, and it definitely wasn't Romeo's, but right now, both of them are feeling like 8th graders going on their first date.

"Hey Romeo! Could you get it ?" She says peeking out, putting on her hoops, as the door rings.

Another ding. "Romeo..." She groans in frustration as she goes to open the door.

"wha-" She says as she opens up to see a dressed-up Romeo in a black suit and a red tie matching her red dress. His tattoos creep his hand in the most elegant way.

Romeo's eyes left her eyes as he sank in the way she looked. The long satin red dress that hugged her body elegantly yet attractively.

"I told you were going on a date. I got flowers." He reveals flowers from behind his back.

"Aw, so you do have some feelings in here." She teases him pointing to his chest.

He pulls his finger and bends down to whisper seductively in her ears, "you'd be surprised what else i have." and let's her go leaving her speechless.

"Hey come here," Romeo says as he stands infront of the mirror in the hallway, as she obeys.

"look." he says as he envelopes her infront of him, his tallness making her 170 cm plus heels height look ridiculously short.

"Damn, no heels will ever get me close to your face will it?" She says looking sideways in the mirror.

"That's what you're thinking about right now?" He says.

"Ill always think about it." She says as she turns and starts fixing his tie that she noticed was misplaced in the mirror.

As she does so, his hand move on their own to start playing with her long thick hair.

"Well, aren't you romantic?" She says tapping his chest.

"you ruined it."

"you love me." She says kidding but little did she know.

"what?" Romeo looks at her with wide eyes.

"what? i'm kidding."

"okay then," He clears his throat, "shall we?" he extends his elbows for her to take.

"We shall." she says taking in his arm.

The couple walk downstairs and enter the car and hear to the mystery restaurant.

"Can you tell me where the fuck we're going?" she asked him putting her hand on the the compartment between the seats.

"Language, Grecia." He says glancing at her, taking her hand intertwining their fingers and kissing her hand, "language."

"Fine, just tell me. Please." She says giving him pouty eyes before she looks at their hands still together.

"Don't ruin the surprise."

They arrive to a restaurant called "Alexandros" and the waiter leads them to their table.

"Thank you." Romeo says as he looks over to the waiter still eyeing Grecia.

"thank you." he sterns as he wraps a protective arm around Grecia as she sits.

"What's wrong?" Grecia says as Romeo sits too and the waiter leaves to get the menus.

"That motherfucker was staring at you as if he can't fucking see me." He says still eyeing the back of the waiter with his jaw clenching.

"Who am i on a date with?" She says making him divert his attention to her.

"Me" He says rolling his eyes then returning them on her.

"Then you have nothing..." She leans closer to his face, "to" she kisses the corner of his lips. "worry" Kiss, "about,"

Despite her act being completely harmless and with good intentions, he finds himself closing his eyes and imaging scenarios he has never thought about.

"You amaze me." He says as she returns her back.

"You have no idea." She says winking at him just as the waiter, Caleb, comes back.

Romeo yanks the menu he was about to give to Grecia and gives it to her himself. She's taken aback by his sudden possessiveness but kind of likes it.

"I'm going to go freshen up," She says leaning in to kiss his cheek.

He admires her back as she walks away, high heels clicking against the floor. Grecia is gone for about 5 mins before Romeo sees her from around the corner talking to their waiter that had it for her.

His fury rages as he sees her laughing wholeheartedly. Romeo isn't a very jealous person, but ever since Grecia, it's been a change he had to live with. No fuck that, she's on a date with me.

He clenches his fists before getting up, stomping his way over to them.

"You motherfucker..." He says pointing at the waiter that gave him the im-fucking-her-tonight look.

"Hey, rome- woah." she says as he pulls her by the hand and starts making their way to the door, "Romeo, ouch." She whines from behind him in which he un-tighten his grip but never let's go.

"Romeo what's going on?" She says as they reach the car, with him still holding her hand.

"what the hell are you doing?" Romeo says as he lets go off her hand and pushes her lightly but firmly against the passenger door.

"doing with what?"

"laughing with that waiter you know was flirting with you before. Infront on me!"

"i was just laughing i wasn't inviting him to my holy pool."

"Well, it may be that way for you" He says stepping even closer, "but he sure as hell thought he's leaving with you tonight."


"You know what, just get in the car." He says. Even though he was beyond furiously jealous, he never lets go of the gentleman in him when he opens the door for her.

"Romeo.." Grecia whines from the passenger seat as he was pulling out of the parking lot.

"no Grecia." He says harshly it stings her. She looks at him one last time and completes to look outside her window for the rest of the ride.

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