Part 25: The Remote

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(Lmao, you thought I'd stay with the same characters for more than two chapters? You thought. This totally isn't my short attention span infecting my writing. ADHD go brrrr.)

Ranboo was sleeping terribly before Wilbur suddenly woke him up. He could still feel the lingering effects of the poison, even after two days from when it was injected. According to Phil, poison was only supposed to last about thirty minutes, so Ranboo didn't bring it up again. He was already a liability.

Ranboo sat with Wilbur in the back of the car on the drive to L'Manburg. Phil was driving, which was kind of awkward with his wings, and Techno was in the passengers seat. Phil was just about to call a man named Sam for backup in the possible fight, but before he could, Sam called him first.

"Alright, change of plans," Phil put the car in reverse. "Jack Manifold's house is the new destination. Techno, can you get eyes on Sam? I don't know this part of the forest."

"Sam is..." Techno closed his eyes. "Take two left's at the second biggest tree about fifty feet ahead and the third smallest in one hundred."

"... Sure." Phil focused on the path. Turns out Techno's directions were pretty good, because they got there in twenty minutes.

"Techno and Wilbur, meet Sam and Puffy," Phil opened the door. The man in the green gas mask and crown seemed familiar and so did the woman with the rainbow hair. "I made an iron trade with Sam a while ago, I'm pretty sure Ranboo was there actually."

"Okay." Ranboo whispered to himself. He hated hearing things about him that he didn't know.

"Cool," Wilbur said. "Why are we here, Phil? Nice to meet all of you, but we were in a hurry."

"We need to take down the Dream Team." Sam said sternly.

"Really?" Techno gasped dramaticly. "I had no idea. What made you come to this conclusion?"

"Well," Puffy rolled her eyes at Techno's sarcastic comment. "They most recently almost kidnapped Niki-"

"Wait, really?" Wilbur interrupted. "I thought she would have gotten away with Fundy!"

"Fundy is in on this too?" Sam raised his voice. "Do you know where he is? I couldn't get a hold of him."

Wilbur shook his head. Ranboo was growing more worried by the second. A crash came from upstairs. A man wearing 3D glasses and a blue striped shirt came down.

"Is everyone here, then?" The man said. He tripped on his way down the stairs. "You can start explaining now, Sam and Puffy."

"So-" Sam started, but he didn't get to finish. Someone three open the door and Ranboo turned to see Eret. Ranboo thought Eret was for L'Manburg, but he was one of the people guarding him, Techno, and Wilbur.

"You mother fucker-" Ranboo could tell Wilbur was about to go crazy. He even noticed Wilbur traced some of his power into his words for no reason other than effect.

"Please, you don't understand-" Eret tried to come inside, but Phil stopped them. Ranboo wanted to just let Eret in, but the last thing Ranboo wanted to be seen as right now was a traitor. But Eret looked really desperate.

"I'm sorry, mate," Phil said. Ranboo noticed the crack in his voice. It seemed as though Wilbur was the angriest one there, so maybe Phil also felt bad. "But you can't be trusted."

Ranboo saw someone in the window quietly sneak up to the door. He wanted to warn someone, but there was so much tension in the room that made him nervous. Punz came up from behind Eret.

"Tell me about it," Punz said sarcastically. "Cant be loyal for one second now, can he?"

Ranboo teleported to the other end of the room to be farther away, but his side erupted in pain at the sudden movement. That poison was still in effect after two days. Eret looked like he couldn't move and he frantically looked around the room. What did he do?

Finally after a minute, Techno stepped in and pulled out his sword. "That wasn't really an invitation to take him away, and I think you're a little outnumbered here."

It was barely a second before Punz turned around and ran back to the forest. Ranboo laughed to himself, it's bot easy to act tough when you're going against a team of people you hurt.

Ranboo was still trying to control the pain in his side when everyone started walking out the door. He got in the car with Techno, Phil, and Wilbur. Sam, Puffy, Eret, and Jack got in the other car.

The drive felt long as everyone sat in silence. Ranboo felt everyone brace for the possible battle to come, their group versus the Dream Team and whoever else might be helping them.

Phil followed Sam's car back to the Schlatt building. Outside was Quackity, or Big Q. He was pacing the sidewalk nervously. Quackity looked up when Techno closed the car door after everyone got out.

"Quackity," Wilbur said bitterly. "Where is Dream right now? Hell, why are you even out here?!"

"I don't know, man!" Quackity looked very scared and confused. Of course, he was surrounded by his supposed enemies. "Some kid told me I needed to be out here and then Tommy and Tubbo ran past! I thought Dream was dealing with them with... you!"

Quackity pointed at Eret and he shrank back. "We'll explain later, where's Tubbo and Tommy, then?"

"I told them to run off since Dream is probably hunting them down," Quackity said. "But! He's weak right now, Bad and Ant, and Eret apparently have all betrayed him. If we team together and strike now-"

"We might actually be able to win!" Puffy finished. "We need a plan. Sleepy Bois and Ranboo can go one way to look for Tommy and Tubbo. Sam, Jack, Eret, and I will go the other. Fight Dream if you see him."

"Wait!" Eret said before they all went off. "Dream has both discs right now, so careful of Mellohi because if it touches you it steals your powers for good. Cat is kind of a wild card, I don't know what it does. Careful and goid luck everyone."

"I'll need it..." Jack sighed.

The gang split up for their search. After a while of running around aimlessly, Ranboo remembered something for once in his life.

"Techno," Ranboo stopped for a second. "Can you use your GPS power to find out where they are?"

"... oh," Techno also stopped, followed by Phil and Wilbur. "I see Tommy by the... oh god..."

"What?" Wilbur asked. "Where is he?"

"He's way up north," Techno groaned in annoyance. They had been running south this whole time. "It's almost by the-"

"Arctic Empire..." Phil sighed sadly, then laughed. "The good old days. Let's go then!"

Ranboo teleported ahead, but realised how having his whole team be way behind him would be bad if he got suddenly jumped by Dream. As he waited, he heard the voice.

Wow, up north, huh?

"Go away," Ranboo shooed at the air. He wasn't too concerned about the others hearing him because he was so far ahead. "You don't control me. We're going to find Tommy and Tubbo and take down Dream."

About a third of that statement is true. I'd say good luck, and you will need it, but I don't want you to win. I'll make sure you don't win.

Ranboo shuddered and looked up. It had started to rain. No more teleporting for now. "We'll win, we are more prepared this time."

Time is a funny thing, isn't It?

"Now you're just going off topic," Ranboo thought talking back at the voice boosted his confidence. "Don't distract me, I'll help my team win."

Huh. Time. Too bad yours is running out.

Ranboo ignored the stinging running through his veins. It seems to have gotten worse because of the rain.

I might talk to you after, Memory Boy.


Thank you for reading! If you want you could check out my other book, the updates are slightly more consistent but there isn't ad many chapters out right now. Theories or questions? I think after I finish the story I'll make a qna about the characters and world. Words: 1382

Choose Wisely (MCYT Super Powers AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang