Part 8: The Test

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Tommy and Tubbo decided to take Niki's advice and explored the area of L'Manburg. Tommy thought the forest was nice, but that conversation he had with Niki and Tubbo didn't leave his mind.

"So..." Tommy was trying to find a way to bring up Tubbo's powers. "Bees, right?"

"Yeah," Tubbo's eyes lit up as he made a small swarm. "Bees."

"What else can you make?" Tommy stopped trying to be subtle. "What about other insects like... moths?"

"Hm... Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do," Tubbo nudged Tommy. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to at least learn something new out here, maybe we'll have to fight again!"

Tubbo formed a bee in his hand, and Tommy did the same. Tubbo focused really hard before the bee started to change. Tommy followed, and soon there were two moths.

"Cool!" Tommy made a couple more to follow him, and Tubbo went back to his same old bees. "How about that energy blast thing, maybe you could make it more targeted?"

Tubbo brought a little bit if light into his hand and waited for a moment, charging it up. He flicked his wrist and sent the energy dart over to a tree. Tommy followed. When the two went over to look, it seemed that the dart was actually in the tree, and it was leaking a glowing liquid that was webbed on the wood.

"Fuck yeah!" Tommy hugged Tubbo. "Thank you! Now I can really fuck shit up more effectively!"

"Wait-" Tubbo pushed out of the hug slightly. "Can you promise me not to use... that unless you need to? I don't really know what it does, or even how to use it..."

"Uh, sure," Tommy nodded. "I won't use that unless the opponent attacks me first. Don't worry, Tubbo! I'm responsible-"

"Eh..." Tubbo laughed. "You just stole from the fucking Dream Team, that doesn't seem too responsible."

Tommy scoffed. "We were planning to do it together, don't act all high and mighty. And look! Now we've met Wilbur, Phil, and Techno!"

"You still should have waited for me," Tubbo looked down. Tommy did feel bad looking back, it was a pretty stupid thing for him to do. "Lets go back to Niki and show her the new abilities!"

Tommy and Tubbo ran back to the van. Tommy was surprised to see Niki sitting with two other people. One had sunglasses and a grey t-shirt, and the other wore a black jacket and had what looked like fox ears and a tail.

"Look at this fucking furry," Tommy chuckled and elbowed Tubbo.

"I heard that!" The man yelled. Maybe talking behind the back of someone with fox level hearing wasn't the best idea. "Are you Tommy and Tubbo, then?"

"Yes!" Tommy shouted, the fox man flinched at the noise. "Niki who are these guys?!"

"This is Fundy and Eret," Niki waved her hand at the two. "They also stay in L'Manburg from time to time. Eret planned a cool party for everyone!"

"It's going to be so cool!" Eret sat up straight in his fold up chair. "At the end, there's this cool surprise!"

"What's the surprise?!" Tommy yelled. He hated not knowing things.

Eret chuckled nervously. "Uh... it's a surprise?"

"SUS!!!" Tubbo yelled, and everyone around the campfire laughed.

Tommy also thought that was pretty weird, but he just continued to talk with the other four. Tommy might have made a bad impression with the "furry" incident, but he thought it was funny so he didn't apologise.

"So what are your powers?" Tommy thought he might add a few more powers to his library.

"Well, obviously I'm a fox shapeshifter," Fundy pointed to the second set of ears on his head. "I haven't mastered being full human yet though, but now I can hear extra well!"

"Furry," Tommy snickered. He continued before he could get yelled at by the fox man. "What about you, Eret?"

"Well, I can see the future up to lol, a month," Eret seemed a little hesitant to tell Tommy. "I can also stop time for a few seconds-"

"Really?!" Tommy let go of Tubbo's power for a moment and tried out Eret's.

Niki, Fundy, and Tubbo all stopped moving, leaving him and Eret to look around. Eret seemed a little shocked that Tommy could still move.

"Huh," Eret shrugged. "I guess time doesn't stop for people with the same ability."

"Cool!" Tommy tried to resume, but nothing happened. Eret chuckled and he snapped his fingers as everything went back to normal, not even phasing the other three.

"Okay, what about you, Tommy?" Fundy rested his feet on the fire place. "What mysterious power could you have?"

"I can copy powers," Tommy said. He thought he would show off a little and took on Fundy's ability. After focussing for a minute, he had white fox ears piping out of his skull. "Like that!"

"Gah!" Tubbo gasped. "You turned him into a furry, Fundy!!"

"I'm not a furry!" Fundy groaned.

Tommy laughed and decided to push himself a little more. He took on Niki's power. He didn't know much about it, but Tommy always noticed the flowers always at Niki's feet. A bunch of red poppies puffed up at his feet.

"Nice, Tommy!" Niki clapped her hands. "Those are really good!"

"This power comes really hand in fights too," Tommy took Tubbo's power back and sat back down. "I can't wait to see the looks on the Dream Team's faces when they find out I know their powers! I'd be able to take at least three of them in a fight at once!"

"I'm sure you could," Eret stood up and stretched. Tommy noticed his humungus height, plus the addition of his high tops. "I've got to go! The party will be next week!"

"Bye!" Everyone else yelled at once.

"Wait!" Niki called after Eret. "What about the Dream Team? It's a bit dangerous to go out!"

"I'll be fine-" Eret cut himself off slightly. "Nothing bad will hapoen, I see the future, remember?"

"Okay then, bye!"

Before Eret was too far, Tommy used Eret's power to look for the surprise.

~future vision~ (blood warning)

Tommy was on the floor, a knife plunged into his stomach. Through his fading vision, he saw a note on his chest with a smile. Dream. He tried to keep the blood in with his hands, but it was coming out really fast.

Tubbo was next to him and had an arrow locked in his shoulder. His breathing was fast and shallow. Sapnap was standing over him with a shard of light in his neck. The glowing whatever it was seeped into his veins.

Tommy could barely make out the shape of the other people in the vision, and he couldn't make out their faces. He couldn't do anything.

His friend might die.

He might die.


"You good, Tommy?"

Tommy opened his eyes and saw Tubbo shaking his shoulder. "Woah! Your eyes went all white for a second! We're you using Eret's power?"

"Yeah," Tommy was glad to notice the lack of an arrow on Tubbo. "I think I'll go to bed now."

"Really? It's only six!" Fundy laughed. "You should at least eat something first."

Niki handed Tommy some cookies, the perfect dinner, and he made his way over to the shack.

What did he just see? That was the party, right? How could things go that wrong at a party? Maybe it was the wrong time, they didn't even look like they were in the forest.

What happened?


Thank you for reading! I'm so mad because I had the idea to write more backstory for the characters, but I want to wait until I figure out how to end the main story. By the way, I have none of this story planned out, so this will be a mess. Words: 1314

Choose Wisely (MCYT Super Powers AU)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα