Part 9: The Heist

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Wilbur kept his word about not telling Phil about what Techno was up to. To be honest, he himself didn't know what Techno had done, but he thought it was funny to hold the threat over his friend's head.

Wilbur and Techno walked back over to the office after working at the bakery. Wilbur unlocked the door and saw Ranboo sitting in the waiting area.

"Ranboo?" Wilbur chuckled. This guy really was everywhere. "Do you want to start the heist already?"

"Wilbur and..." Ranboo pulled a sticky note our of his pocket. "Techno! You agreed to help me find my book! That much I remember."

"Okay then," Wilbur walked to the hallway, morning for Ranboo to come too. "We'll check with Phil to figure out if the Dream Team has some sort of schedule. Do you remember where they took the book?"

"The last place I had it..." Ranboo thought for a while. "There was a 'Big Q'. The building was tall."

"I know him!" Wilbur's face lit up, remembering all the fun times he had with Quackity. It died back down after he remembered all the less fun times. "That job really got to his head, huh?"

Wilbur opened the door to his office to see Phil hunched over the computer. His wings were twitching and his eyes looked like he might have had a few too many cups of coffee. Wilbur also noticed it was eight thirty.

"Phil, what are you doing?" Wilbur asked, a little scared. Phil often got very dedicated to his work. "How long have you been sitting there?"

"Whatever," Phil moved his arm, knocking over three out of the seven coffee cups on the desk.

"If you say so," Techno shrugged and sat down on the couch. Wilbur noticed how ironic it was that they were the Sleepy Bois, even though they never slept. "You have a file on Quackity?"

"Uh..." Phil scrolled through the computer. "Yes. Why?"

"Where is the building he works at?" Wilbur asked, looking at the screen. "Jschlatt Corporation: tenth street. Thanks, Phil!"

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Phil grew suspicious of his two friends. "What's going on with Quackity?"

"Uh..." Wilbur actually barely knew how Quackity was tied into this. "Great question! Ranboo?"

"Oh! Uh..." Ranboo jumped, as Phil gave him a confused look. Wilbur giggled, Phil obviously didn't notice Ranboo until then. "He was there when I got kidnapped."

"You were kidnapped?!" Phil's wings spread suddenly and bumped into the wall.

"Ranboo, that seems like an important detail," Techno joked slightly. "Maybe something you shouldn't leave out."

"Interesting development..." Wilbur took some notes in his notebook. Phil always said it was easier to use the computer, but hand writing was relaxing to Wilbur. "Do you remember why you were kidnapped?"

"Okay," Ranboo took a deep breath. "There was a guy with a golden necklace and he took me to that building. He talked to Quackity and took me to meet three other people, but I can't remember. The people took my memory book."

"That sounds like Punz," Wilbur wrote down. "We also know Quackity was there, and three people? Why, that certainly narrows it down."

"If it's three of them it has to be Dream, George, and Sapnap," Techno looked at his knife. Wilbur thought it was like that knife had just appeared one day, and Techno never said where he got it. "Those guys usually stick together. So we know who we're fighting, let's go."

"Wait, what are you guys doing?!" Phil shouted as the other three left the room, luckily he was too sleep deprived to care.

Wilbur quieted everyone's footsteps as they approached the building. Techno and Ranboo seemed nervous, perfectly in character for Ranboo, but Techno? Wilbur noticed he was fidgeting with his knife.

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