Part 14: The Experiments

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Puffy was on a walk. That might be a dangerous move late at night, but even if she got attacked she wouldn t get hurt. Calming and Healing abilities really came in handy.

Puffy was walking over to Niki's bakery when she got a text.

Hey, Puffy! Long time no see!

Are you free right now? I need your help

Puffy was surprised to get a text from Bad. The two hadn't talked in a while, not since the Dream Team first surfaced. When Puffy said how much she disliked the crime group, Bad had talked to her less and less.

What do you want?

Go to the community house. Bring potions.

I don't have potions.

That's okay. Can you still come?


Puffy was kind of looking forward to staying hi to Niki, but she made her way down to the Community House. She still saw Sam and Ponk's car outside, and everyone else's.

Puffy knocked on the door. She saw a lot of people inside, but the sign said it was closed.

"Puffy!" Sam opened the door. "Did you bring anything to help with the problem?"

"No, all I have are pain medications and antidepressants," Puffy shook the pill bottle in her hand. The antidepressants weren't even hers, a patient left them at her therapy office. "Actually, not the antidepressants."

"Did Bad tell you what was going on?" Sam took Puffy over to the kitchen, where she saw Ant, Bad and Skeppy.

"Woah!" Puffy noticed the sharp crystals infecting Skeppy. "How long has this been going on?!"

"It started a couple months ago," Skeppy's breathing was light and fast. "It started slow, but it's gotten way worse in the past week."

"You should have said something sooner than," Ant had organized an assortment of potions on the counter. "We could have had more time to figure this out. Damage potions?"

"Why would a damage potion fix anything?" Bad hissed. "All it would do is cause more pain."

"Well I don't know!" Ant yelled. "I've never had to do something like this! What kind of power just goes rouge on its host?"

"I can try healing it a little?" Puffy ran over and her hands started glowing an iridescent light. Skeppy relaxed a little when Puffy touched his arm. "What potions haven't you tried?"

"I can't find any turtle potions, swiftness, blindness, and Bad won't let me use damage, poison, or wither." Ant counted.

"Wither?" Puffy nearly yelled. "Why would you- whatever. Is there a brewing stand here?"

"I can probably make one," Sam held up his hands as red energy swirled around him. The energy formed into wires and gears, kind of making the shape of a stand. "Try that."

Ant jumped over and pulled some empty bottles from his back pack. He filled them up with water from the sink. "Thanks, Sam."

"What else could we do?" Bad started pacing around the room. "It doesn't look like the healing is doing anything-"

"It actually really helps the pain," Skeppy sighed in relief. "I don't know either, I guess I should just deal with it."

"No, you're not," Bad said. "You're in pain, and I have to help you. Sam, can you call the others?"

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