Part 10: The Crystals

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Skeppy was getting extremely bored. His best friend was always out committing crime or whatever. Bad told Dream that Skeppy could be able to help on missions sometimes, so he was kind of in with the Dream Team. I guess that's better than getting mugged every time he goes out at night.

Skeppy winced in pain as the crystals creeped up his arm. He really hated his power, crystalizing, because he couldn't control it. It really hurt.

Right now he was typing up some files at the Schlatt building for new information on the Sleepy Bois Inc. Skeppy didn't understand why they didn't have Quackity do it, his crystal arm really slowed him down, but maybe it was because all Quackity ever does is play games on the computer.

"Skeppy!" Bad slid into the room with a tray of muffins. "How are the files going?"

"Fine," Skeppy sighed. He bit back a yelp as some crystals crawled up his neck. "I'm almost done."

"Can you read some for me?"

"Sure," Skeppy scrolled to the top of the document.

"Philza (Phil), power: wings. Head of the Sleepy Bois Inc.

Wilbur Soot, power: sound manipulation and charm speak. Detective for the Sleepy Bois Inc.

Technoblade (Techno), power: super strength, speed, and invulnerability. Main fighter for the Sleepy Bois Inc.

Tommyinnit (Tommy), power: copy other powers. Unknown alliance to the Sleepy Bois Inc.

Tubbo, power: energy manipulation  (yellow). Unknown alliance to the Sleepy Bois Inc."

Skeppy stopped reading when he heard crashes from upstairs. He turned to Bad. "Should we do something about that?"

"I'll call George and Sapnap to get it," Bad sent the two a text on his phone. "Are you ready to go?"

"Go where?" Skeppy remembered that they had made plans, but his brain was kind of fried from trying to type for three hours.

"To that resteraunt," Bad took out his car keys. "I think it was called 'The Community House'? It sounds really good."

Skeppy and Bad have been driving for a few minutes before Skeppy started to ask questions. "Why did you join the Dream Team?"

Bad jolted the car forward as he hit the breaks. Luckily they were at a stop light. "Because... Dream is my friend?"

"You sounded really certain there," Skeppy teased. "I am completely convinced."

"No but..." Bad sighed. "Dream is a good friend of mine, and I honestly don't think I could have said no to his offer."

"What was the- the offer?" Skeppy stuttered at the searing pain the crystals were causing. It nearly reached his ear now, and it wasn't slowing down.

"It's not important," Bad parked the car. "We're here."

Skeppy and Bad walked down the wooden path to the resteraunt. It had lovely potted plants outside and red carpeting. A man with a bandana over his mouth with deer antlers walked over.

"A table for two?" Bad asked. "This is Callahan, he runs the Community House with some others."

The two sat down at a table. A man in a gas mask and a crown, Sam, came over.

"How may I take your order?" He asked.

"Can I have a plate of salad and bread?" Bad ordered. "Skeppy?"

"I'm not hungry..." Skeppy scratched his neck, seeing if he could scrape the crystals off. His stomach twisted every time the crystals spread, and it felt like too much to eat.

"Oh... kay?" Bad looked over concerned at Skeppy. "Thanks, Sam."

Sam walked away and gave the order to a girl on a black mask.

"So-" Skeppy whimpered as the crystals grew. This hurt like hell. "What was that offer?"

"It was nothing," if you've known Bad for a long time like Skeppy has, you know he's pretty bad at lying. "Why didn't you order anything? Are you alright?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me what the offer was?" Skeppy pried. Of course he was planning to tell Bad about the crystals, but maybe not in a public space. "How did you hear about this place? It's really cool."

"I know the owners," Bad took a sip of water. "This building has been here for a while, but no one was using it, so they turned it into a resteraunt."

"Who are all the owners?" Skeppy looked around the resteraunt to see if he could spot any of them.

"Well, you met Callahan," Bad started counting on his fingers. "His power is pretty cool, he can shut people up by going 'shhh'. Alyssa, she has something fire based I think, I don't know exactly what it is. Sam can touch anything mechanical and know how it works, and he can also make simple machines out of red energy. Ponk can talk to dead people, but I've never seen him do it."

"That's cool..." Skeppy couldn't bear the pain much longer. "Can you drop me back off at my place?"

"Uh... sure? Let me get my food first."

"... okay."

After waiting for five agonising minutes, Bad got his food. Skeppy snatched the car keys and jumped inside the car. Bad got in a few moments later, his food in a box.

"Are you okay?" Bad asked. "You're looking very sick."

"The crystals..." Skeppy had told bad about the crystals before, but he under exaggerated how much they affected him. "... getting worse."

"Really?! I thought you said they didn't hurt that bad!"

"Just take me home," Skeppy did feel bad for lying to his best friend. "Do you have any potions or something?"

"I bet Ant has some, and I think he's on patrol right now," Bad scanned the city for Ant.

Out of the corner of his eye, Skeppy saw a Siamese cat with blue eyes. He punched Bad in the arm.

"Skeppy!" Bad yelled. "Don't hit me with your crystal arm!"

"That wasn't-" Skeppy looked down and saw that his knuckles were turning. "Whatever! I just saw Ant, turn around!"

Bad stopped the car and they ran over to the cat. Luckily, Skeppy was right and the cat turned into Ant. "Hey, Bad! What's going on?"

"Do you have healing potions?" Bad asked. He turned to Skeppy. "Would that work? What about regeneration? Maybe weakness?"

"Well, I have all three," Ant handed his backpack over to Bad. "What's happening?"

"The crystals are growing," Bad pointed to Skeppy, and he rolled up his sleeve to reveal the shards creeping up his arm and neck. "What potion do you think would work for that?"

"I don't know," Ant scratched his chin. "Let's head to my place, I have way more potions we can try there."

"But doesn't Dream need to have a meeting soon?" Bad yelled frantically. "That next mission is in a week!"

"That might have to wait," Ant went over to the car, and all three of them got in. "I'll tell Dream we can't make it, this might take a while."


Thank you for reading! This chapter was fun, I like the idea that the Community House is a resteraunt, and I love making up ideas for powers. Words: 1173

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