A nice night

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The fire crackled calmly, sending a light heat through the cabin. Surprisingly, the two managed to make a bunch of cupcakes while incorporating the cherries, despite the flour fight that interrupted it.

It didn't take long for the day to fall to night again, and the two found themselves in the living room on the couch together, sitting in the silence.

The silence was comforting and calm, not a moment of it was awkward, and the two simply sat while listening to the gentle crackle the burning wood made.

After the silence lasted a while, one of them decided to start a conversation, even if it was going to be a seemingly boring and simple one.

"These are delicious." Y/n softly groaned after biting into one of the cupcakes.

Wanda furrowed her brows, holding her own cupcake in her hand, "you sound like you were expecting them to be bad."

"Oh, I wasn't expecting them to be bad, I just wasn't expecting them to be this good." She shrugged.

The two of them sat side by side, cupcake in hand, while embracing the warm heat the fire emitted. While wanda began eating her cupcake, y/n found that her attention was truly captured by the fire.

She watched the flames dance around, the wood melt away, and the occasional light that would spark from it. The more she watched the fire, the more she felt it warming up her skin, which made her think.

With a squint, she mentioned, "That fire really comes in handy, doesn't it?"

"The wood you cut up has helped." Wanda reminded her, "Even though it probably didn't help your fucked up leg."

Y/n chuckled softly, "yeah, it wasn't the smartest move."

"How is it?" Wanda asked, "your leg? I hope it's not too bad."

"It's doing really well." She nodded, "even if it did hurt still, the fact we've got cupcakes and a fire would make up for it."

"It's that good, huh?" She smirked back.

"Oh, yeah. I mean, come on, the overall aesthetic is just beautiful." She added, again, biting into the cupcake.

"I've got something that might just make it even better." Wanda placed the rest of her cupcake on the coffee table as she stood up to leave the room.

Leaning her arm over the back of the couch and turning slightly, y/n asked, "and what might that be?"

Just before wanda disappeared into her room, she called out, "you'll see."

Y/n waited for a few moments, listening to the sounds of clutter being moved from wanda's bedroom until wanda emerged from it again, but with something in her hands.

"I thought now would be a good time to bring out the tv." She explained, walking around from her bedroom again with it in her hands.

"You had a tv in your room this whole time?" She groaned as she asked, "and you didn't tell me?"

"I thought we were staying quite entertained, so I didn't think to bring it out." She explained, carrying the tv through to the living room.

When she placed it on the coffee table, she blew the thin layer of dust from the top and began making sure it was positioned right. It was a classically old television with antennas stationed on top of it and buttons, dials, and switches lined up on the side.

Y/n raised her eyes brows as she looked at it, "Jesus christ, did you steal that from a history museum?"

"Why would it be in a history museum?" Wanda innocently asked.

"Because it looks like the first tv ever made." Replied y/n.

"Wha- I-" She stammered, "no, it's not that old."

She leant over to get closer to the tv, examining the wires coming from it, "does sound even come out of this thing?"

"Okay, y/n-." Wanda took a breath, "it doesn't matter what this looks like, I'm turning it into something else."

She scrunched her face in confusion, "A fucking fossil?"

"You're on thin ice." She hid a small chuckle, "just trust me and watch."

With a playful sigh and a roll of the eyes, y/n slumped further into the couch to get more comfortable and watched what wanda was doing.

Wanda gently twirled her fingers form where they hovered above the old tv, allowing the crimson energy to float through it. Within seconds, the aged tv shifted into a slick, new one. It now took up more space on the table, but wanda gently slid it back so it wasn't too close to their eyes.

"Oh, wow." Y/n gawked at the new television, "I'll admit, that is impressive."

Once the new tv was in the perfect position and working, wanda sat on the couch beside y/n, allowing herself to get as comfortable as she could.

"Killing eve?" Wanda suggested with no further explanation.

A smile that was beyond hiding spread across her face, "Uh, yeah." She shook as much of the smile off as she could, but some of it still remained, even when she was looking away.

Wanda began surfing through the channels and shows to find the right one with her attention fully glued to the screen, whereas y/n's eyes stayed focused on the way the light from the fire lit up wanda's face.

When wanda found the right one, she smiled proudly and placed the remote on the table, which jogged y/n out of her moment of trance.

As the show started loading up, y/n reached her hand over the side of the couch, grabbing the end of the red blanket she'd folded up previously. With the end of it in her hand, she pulled it over onto the couch and began unfolding it.

Without saying anything, she threw the cover over herself and wanda, which unknowingly pulled them closer together. It was almost as if she'd trapped the two of them in an either smaller room, but neither of them minded.

Now that the blanket pulled them closer together, wanda thought it was the perfect time to life one of the last barriers between the two.

As the opening scene of the show began rolling, wanda shuffled closer to y/n to the point where their arms were pressed against each other. Softly clearing her throat, she leant her head against y/n's shoulder so that it was the only thing holding it up.

Y/n didn't move at all. She didn't want to make any move that would make it seem as if she wasn't comfortable because, even if she wasn't comfortable, she loved having wanda so close to her.

They were mostly silent for the first minutes of the scene, until one moment in particular caused wanda to let out a slight chuckle, which, of course, y/n felt in her shoulder.

"Did you seriously just laugh at her pushing ice cream onto a kid?" Y/n asked, even though she also found it amusing.

"It was funny, come on." She whined softly.

As she couldn't disagree, y/n tilted her head to rest lightly on top of wanda's, and the two remained like that for the remainder of the show, or however much they were able to watch before falling asleep.

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