The Masks Get Interesting

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"I did that too. I just loved so many of the performances that I had to keep listening to them. Well, that was after I watched my daily InquisitorMaster video." Stella said, causing Alex and the Squad to smile. Even though they got many praises from fans, they still felt humbled each time.

"So, who's you guys' favorite so far?" Lincoln asked.

"I'd have to say the Cavalier. He definitely has his way with the ladies." Rusty said, getting an eye roll from Stella and snickers from Liam and Clyde.

"Me too, he's quite the talent." Levi agreed.

"I duno guys, I thought the Star was pretty good. Reminded me of home." Liam said.

"Sorry Liam, but I can't agree with that. I'm gonna go with the Bunny on this one. I did like Star though." Jaxx countered.

"Yeah, Bunny was so good!" Charli agreed.

"His singing hit deep," Alex added.

"Dark Angel made me feel like Rock Jade," Jade said.

"Same here, Rock Jade!" Zach agreed, resulting in both rocking out in their seats. They banged their heads back and forth, resulting in laughter.

"Don't take this wrong, but Gorilla literally serenaded the crowd." Drake said, getting weird looks from Zach and Jaxx. Drake sighed, and just slumped into his seat. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, he thought.

"I liked the Trojan's energy," Light commented.

"It has to be Panther for me. His performance is literally me if I lost all of you guys." Clyde said, getting a slew of 'aweee's from everyone.

"Panther is definitely mine, I love that song!" Brad exclaimed. He unplugged his earbuds (which he usually wears, one ear to still hear others) to reveal what he was listening to. It was Panther's performance, being played out.

"Honestly, it was close between Bunny and Panther for me. But, I'm gonna have to say Panther." Stella explained.

"What's yours, Lincoln?" Zach asked.

"That's easy, it's Bunny. I just straight up relate with his song, due to things in the past." Lincoln replied. There was a small pause, with a lack of surprise from Clyde. As his best friend, he already knew this.

"Anyway, are we still down for Saturday?" Zach asked, breaking the pause. He assumed that Lincoln didn't want to talk about it, so changed the subject. This worked, as it confused Clyde, Liam, Stella, and Rusty.

"What's happening Saturday?" Clyde asked.

"I feel like we missed something yesterday," Liam added.

"Oh yeah, Luna had me join a karaoke contest. I knew that I still needed to tour the Squad around Royal Woods, so I invited them. I performed with Jordan, and we won 5 free tickets to Dairyland!" Lincoln explained.

Jade pulled out her phone, showing all the performances she and Jordan recorded. Well that's not fully true, since Jordan obviously couldn't record her own performance. Instead, Jade handed Jordan's phone to Drake for him to record.

"Wow, you all were really good!" Stella commented.

"That's really impressive, man." Rusty added.

"Yeah, I want to invite you guys to go to Dairyland with us. Don't worry about them, they'll handle their tickets." Lincoln explained.

"Sounds fun! I'm in!" Stella said.

"I won't say no to a free trip to Dairyland! Besides, I don't think I even got work for Saturday, anyhow." Liam explained.

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