
Começar do início

"You fucking dumbass-shia!"

I quickly cover my face thinking i should take a bath once more but this time cold shower.

"What? it's not like you haven't seen it" he chuckled.

"Dumbass! We were still a child that time!" i exclaimed still not looking at him.

"Just go to the bathroom you moron!" i shouted.

He walk towards the bathroom and close the door while laughing,i exhaled heavily after he entered the room,he was just fycking naked as in naked infront of me!

I sigh and walk towards his closet.he wouldn't mind sharing his clothes right? well i don't care even if he won't allowed me.

I took a oversized baby blue polo with a pair of baby blue pajama.

After that i lay on the bed feeling a bit dizzy since im sick.

"Hey baby!" thyme shouted inside the bathroom.

"What?" i asked while massaging my aching head.

"Can you reach for the towel for me? its on the chair near the bed" he stated.

I irritatingly get up on the bed and took the towel on the chair then knock on the bathroom loudly,the door opened and thyme peek his head out.

"Here you dumbass! my head is aching as hell and you even fucking order me to get your fucking towel you forgettable man go fucking hurry up and fuck-" my words got cut when he suddenly steal a quick peck on my lips leaving me stunned.

"You've been cursing lately,you should stop it or else i will fucking fuck you baby" he smirked.

I feel my cheeks heated and i angrily kick the door causing him to groan in pain.

"Go fuck yourself chivaaree!" i stucked out my tongue and ran back jumping to the bed.

"Oh you'll regret that later metawin,wait till i finish cleaning" he exclaimed.

I scoffed and sit up on the bed looking towards the bathroom door.

"Clean your dirty mind too fucktard!" i shouted while giggling.

"Oh you'll really regret that metawin!,i will clean your dirty mouth with my lips and tongue" he shouted back.

"As if i would let you chivaaree-warry!" i mockingly said.

Suddenly the bathroom door flung opened revealing thyme with a towel on his waist as the water droplets on his hair was flowing through his broad chest to his abs-fuck those abs!

"Oh really" he smirked evily.

I gulped and covered my self with the blanket earning a chuckled from him.

"Now whose the scaredy cat huh?" he teasingly asked.

"Shut up im sleepy" i faked snore.

I heard him chuckled again and the closet door opened.

"You can now look metawin"i heard him said.

I slowly remove the blanket and faced him,he was wearing a pair of sando and pajama.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked and sit on the bed infront of me.

"Im not hung-*crumble*" i stunned while he giggled.

"Sure mr.im not hungry, i'll just prepare porridge for you hold in a minute okay?" he grinned and messed my hair.

I slapped his hands away and glared at him,he chuckled once again before leaving the room.

"Open your mouth" he seriously said.

I pouted and shook my head.

"I said open them,don't be stubborn metawin" he glared at me.

"No i don't want too! im not hungry!" i crossed my arms and turn to the other side.

"Metawin don't test me" he said with a hint of anger.

I turn to him again and gulped at his burning gazed.

"F-fine" i stuttered and took the bowl of porridge but he hold it.

"What! im going to eat let go of the bowl" i irritatingly said.

"No,i'll fed you" he exclaimed.

I pouted and crossed my arms again.

"Now open" he held the spoon infront of my mouth.

I look at him and he was softly looking at me,i gulped and open my mouth.

After taking my medicine thyme tucked me to bed which make me fall harder for him.

"Go to sleep metawin,you should rest" he softly said while patting my head.

I nod and closed my eyes drifting in my dreamland.

"He's with me aunty,don't worry i will keep him safe"

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing that i saw is thyme in the balcony talking someone with his phone,his back was facing me but i can still see his handsomeness due to the bright full moon,the rain has already stopped.

I slowly get up on the bed and look at the clock on the lampside table its already 11:11pm.

I walk towards him while rubbing my half opened eyes,he turned to me with widened eyes.

"Uh...i gotta end the call aunty have a nice night,i promise i'll take care of him, goodbye" he stated and end the call.

"Is that mom?" i asked and he hummed putting his phone back to his pocket.

"They're worried for you" he exclaimed.

I scoffed and look at the bright buildings infront of us.

"Worried my ass they didn't even bother to tell me the truth"

"Metawin" thyme called i turn to him and saw his serious expression.

"You should hear them out first,im sure your father has a good reason why he do that same as your mother" he stated.

"Like what?" i scoffed again.

"Everything has a reason metawin,you should hear them out first before you freak out,learn to forgive before its too late" he deeply said.

I bit my lower lip and think for a moment then sigh heavily.

"Fine,i'll try to talk to them tomorrow"

He smiled and pat my head.

"Good boy" he mumbled.

"Im not a dog!" i smack his arm while he chuckled.

I sigh once again and look up in the sky where the moon shines so bright like a party ball.

"Do you find the moon beatiful?" i asked and he hummed moving closer beside me.

"Look its shining so bright and beautiful!" i pointed out and giggled.

"Why would i look at it?" i hear him said.

I curiously turn to him creating a stare contest with him.

"When i already found something more beautiful without looking for it"

Oops let's end the chapter here😌

I still need to write chapters for my other story🤦🏻‍♀️

im the laziest ass ever🙂🤣

 𝐆𝐔𝐍𝐒 𝐍' 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒🥀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora