
He looks so shocked to the point that he started to laugh in disbelief. I looked at him confusedly because I don't know if he's happy or mad about it

"Sorry for my reaction it's just that I can't believe that your dad is the director of this hospital" he started laughing

"Why? Do you know him"

"Yeah he's the surgeon of my grandma and I thanked him for saving my grandma on her verge of death"

I'm the one who's now shocked when I heard that and started laughing too. I understand now what he feels

What a small world

Haechan invited me to visit her grandma and I agreed since my dad was still on his duty

We entered the private room area and Haechan opens the door for me. Inside the private room was an old woman laying on her bed and sleeping. But the moment she heard the door closed she suddenly wake up

She smiled widely when she saw me and Haechan

"Donghyuck-ah," her grandmother said and I was so confused who's she calling so I looked around the room to find who's she calling when Haechan laughed and said

"My real name is Lee Donghyuck" I just realized that Haechan is not his real name. I used to think that it's his real name since all of his members are calling him Haechan

I greeted her grandmother

"Are you Donghyuck's girlfriend"

"Ah no," I immediately denied it which makes Haechan laughed then introduce me as the daughter of the surgeon who saved her life. He also introduces me as his close friend

"I'm sorry I thought you're his girlfriend"

"No it's okay you don't have to be sorry" I held her hand to make her feel comfortable

"She looks so pretty right?" Haechan suddenly said which makes me blush. His grandmother immediately agreed

"Why don't you court her Donghyuck, I would love to have her as my granddaughter in law" her grandmother started to laugh

"Maybe I will soon"

The strange thing started to move on my stomach again. Is it what they called butterflies on the stomach? Why am I feeling this ugh!

In the middle of that moment, I received a call from my dad asking where I am. Even though I wanted to stay longer I said my goodbyes to Haechan and his grandma. Her grandma asked me to come again if I have time. Haechan offered to accompany me but I declined

I walked so fast until I reach the lobby and saw my dad standing there. I immediately hug him which makes him laugh

"Aigoo my daughter missed me" he pats my head and looked at my face

"What's wrong with your face? Did you put too much blush on?" he tried to remove it with his hand but I immediately avoid them

What the hell? I didn't put some blush on. Did I just really blush because of what Haechan said?

My dad decided to bring me to the Namsan Tower. It's our favorite place before and this is where we used to have family time. It's been so long and I don't know what's the feeling of having that kind of family time before

"So what's bothering you?" Dad asked

"It's Jaemin"

"So it's him again" he sighed heavily

I started to tell him everything that happened between us since the first time we met again. We hadn't had a lot of moments together but it had a big big impact on me

My dad just listened the whole time I tell him everything about what happened and what I feel

"So you're starting to reconnect with him again"

"I don't know but I admit that I enjoy being close to him again," I said honestly

"You know what, it's not wrong starting to build a relationship between the both of you again because you used to know each other for so long. What's wrong is starting to repeat the same mistakes" he said meaningfully

"What do you mean?"

"Remember those days that you cried in front of me because of him? That's it. You cried that much because you treasure him but did you ever thought of him crying like that because of you?"


"It's because you're the only one who treasures him that time. But we don't know, maybe he's having a hard time too when he decided to cut the connection with you"

I sighed heavily as I trying to absorb everything that my dad said

"A lot of people always believe a one-sided story that's why they're getting hurt and making a big wrong decision that they'll regret in the end," Dad said that meaningfully like he already experienced it

I think about it carefully. Maybe I believed a one-sided story. Maybe Jaemin had a reason to cut ties with me before. Maybe I need to ask him and...

I need to give us a second chance

Never Again (Completed) HaeRyuJaem Series #1Where stories live. Discover now