Moments of Regrets

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Requested by: AX-Skye

Warning: Dark and Angst


Shu Kurenai is regretting all the bad things he did as a Red Eye

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Shu Kurenai is regretting all the bad things he did as a Red Eye

That's the first thing he felt when he was freed from the curse of Requiem. It's been 2 months since the tragedy happened but it still keeps bugging him the night before he sleeps.

So he makes a new habit to jog in the night so he will feel a cold breeze of air caressing his silky flowy white hair which he found relaxing.

While jogging under the glowing full moon of the night for some reason his feet bring him to a random place and he found himself in the park where he and Valt tend to battle together during the early days

He decided to walk closely and sit down on the cold concrete floor and take a deep breath then look over the sky to see the beautiful stars

Looking back from where he started and from how far he got, make he realized that he's a total mess

Back in his glory days he still remembers that everyone praised and look up to him as a great blader, a prodigy, and hailed him as a member of a supreme four

But now everyone is wary of him, they might not say it but the fear and doubt in their eyes is enough to say it out loud

Others still haven't trusted him well he can't blame them because he becomes a traitor, a power-hungered blader, and a destroyer of beys

What a mess and now he doesn't know where to start now

He can't look over the bright future - if he still has one - because his dark past it's still hunting him down

The "Red Eye Accident", that's what the others called it but he honestly doesn't understand why it's called accident when he intentionally wanted to be a Red Eye in the first place

After what Lui did to him after he broke his promise to Valt and after he lose to Free it feels like everything around him is a mess and makes him pushed over the edge. Then that man came over to him to ask if he wanted to become stronger and offer to join the Snake Pit.

People call him a genius and yet he let himself be manipulated just to gain power and throw his old happy life

And that fact makes him more guilty with regrets about eating him whole alive.

He can still remember and it's still very clear in his memories how he pushed his friends away when they were just worried and cared about him, destroying other's Beys cause he thought that's where the power came and hurt Spriggan who trying to warn him

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