Karaoke Contest Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Both: Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

Lincoln: When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

Jordan: Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Both: Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

Lincoln: I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight

As the song ended and the music stopped, Lincoln and Jordan looked at the other with loving looks. Each time both sang together, they sang in perfect harmony. Lincoln looked into the crowd, seeing Luna smile and his friends cheering.

Mike's voice came back again. Wow, that was amazing! Now, don't leave the stage you two; you guys need to stay for the top 3!

Lincoln smiled, knowing that this meant he and Jordan were in the top 3. He knew that they didn't perform to win, but to show Luna that their feelings for one another are real. But, he wouldn't be lying if he said it'd be cool to win.

Then, Mike, the host himself, joined Lincoln and Jordan on stage. In one hand, he had three envelopes. As for the other, it was simply a microphone.

"It's been quite a contest, y'all. But, we have reached the end...which means it's time to reveal the winners!" Mike announced, met with cheers from everyone. Once things quieted down, he spoke again.

"First off, imma introduce our third place contestant, who will receive free food and games for a month at the arcade at this very mall!" Everyone cheered again, which quickly died down. People wanted to know who won this award, which to Mike obliged.

"Actually, our third place contestant doesn't contain only one person. Each member is quite unique in their own ways, and there were 5 of them here tonight. The contestant getting third place is...The Squad!" The crowd cheered and applauded for the five members who performed; Zach, Alex, Charli, Jaxx, and Brad.

All of them were actually surprised, but made their way onto stage excitedly. There, they were greeted with high-fives from both Lincoln and Jordan, along with loud cheers from their fellow Squad members.

Mike walked up to Zach with the envelope containing their prize. The adult host lowered to Zach's height and whispered in his ear.

"We've made arrangements for all five of you to get your own separate passes, since there are only two in that envelope. They'll give you the other three the next time you go to the arcade." Zach nodded in response, before smiling and celebrating with his friends. Even Mike smiled, before realizing he still needed to finish.

"As for second place, we've got them a more interesting prize. The prize we have for them is...five free tickets to Dairyland!"

Mike sighed, which made everyone who noticed slightly more nervous. There were easily many reasons that could explain why he had to sigh before continuing his announcement. Luckily for everyone, that answer would be answered.

"Now, this decision is really a hard one. But what made the final two contestants different from the other was simply between the singers. While both performances had great reactions from the audience, only one of them had an amazing blend of voices. That's why for second place...it'll be Luna Loud and Sam Sharp!" You would think Luna was disappointed to lose, which you'd be right. But Luna was far happier to see Lincoln win win the girl she now know das her brother's girlfriend.

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