How do the ninja see Aria?

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How do others see her? How accurate is it to how she really is?

Imma split it up between the ninja. And other characters.

Morro: It's been a while but I know that she is a good person and will do what is right.

Ronin: She's a pretty darn amazing person. She is so forgiving and caring and knows how to live her life in a good way. I'm so lucky she is my girlfriend. Aww man...don't tell her I said that. I would never hear the end. Ronin would probably say something else but Idk what to put. I wanted to make this thing kinda cute :>

Cam: She is a good friend and a good person, she stuck with me during the hard times. Idk what else to say about her.

Cole: Dis girl got taste. Fin. (They both will die for cake) Other than that she is a good person. A bit tempered though. I once ran out of cake so I took a smol bite out of her's. Never heard the end of it...heh

Jay: We know you, Cole, the bite definitely was not 'smol'. Well maybe for you...hehehehehe. About Aria, what can I say, she is a good friend. And will obliterate your ass if you diss Han Solo. I mean, If I'm being honest, I would too.

Kai: She is a genuine-ish person and can stick up for herself. It's commendable actually. But you would never guess that she has a mini-crush on Han Solo. What can I say, he and Ronin are pretty similar. Ronin ma buddy, you've got some competitors.

Nya: She is a cool person and could kick your butt if she wanted to. Also, it's nice to have a girl here in the monastery, or else I would have gone crazy with all these boys. That's all I have to say

Zane: My comments are about the same as the rest of the remarks. She is a good person and apart from Cole, is one of the only people who appreciate my baking skills :>

Lloyd: She's cool, and I love to hang out with her and play video games. Also, I totally bond with her over Starfarer.

This was also in the chappie named Some Questions, but that was kinda long.

Here ya go :>

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