Some Headcanons :>

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Headcanons and etc.:

The Absolute Nickname QUEEN(Like Toph)

TEAL Ninja

The story happens mostly during Possessed but with a few flashbacks.

Skilled in fighting with dual swords/double-bladed fighting. But also is really fascinated with long-range weapons and is an excellent sharpshooter. Always carries a gun with her, to the disapproval of the other ninja(Ronin taught her to shoot, she keeps a gun with her as a sort of sentiment)

A little too badass. Always loses "Never Have I Ever" But not like soooo badass(@SoaringEnergy and I's book took it a little too far)

She actually cute and nerdy(really fascinated with weapons and Ninjago history), and is an overall good person. The 'bad' things she does, she was pulled into by Ronin, but they were really fun for her and some of the best days of her life

Part of the Star Wars and Marvel fandoms... Like me... :> Fights withs Jay over whether DC or Marvel is better...because he is a DC fan le gasp...TRAITOR. Fucking nerds out over Star Wars with Kai and Jay sometimes(why does this give me the fuzzies?) BTW, I know you might not agree with me, but I do think that Kai is a Star Wars nerd, contrary to many people's beliefs. 

A full-on Stars Wars geek. Tries to hide it, but some of her battle strategies and ideas were legit from Star Wars. Jay and Kai start to catch on, they bond-ish knowing that they are all Star Wars major nerds(I'm not a Star Wars nerd tho...)

She is Morro's secret, kinda unknown sister. They each don't know that they have siblings and were separated when they were babies. Aria and Morro were both put into different orphanages. Despite her belief, she and Morro are very similar.

Morro ran away from his orphanage at age 7-8 and ran into Master Wu(y'all know the rest). Aria also ran away from her foster home at age 13-14. After things don't work out with her foster family, she runs away and ends up meeting Ronin who she helps steal with.

Before meeting Ronin(but after running away), she goes to say goodbye to her best friend Cameron. While there she finds that he was planning to run away as well. They run away together. They end up living in random places. Since they're about 13-14 they get a job at a coffee shop(the one across Steeper Sensei finally finds out about Aria's powers and of her ancestry with Morro). More about Cam later.

In the end, Morro redeems himself. Sensei is too far away to save him. Aria goes on her dragon and tries to save him. He grabs her hand, only to give her the Realm Crystal and say "Goodbye Sis, I love you. See you on the other side." She breaks down into tears. In the story(which I cannot find the motivation to write, so it's just headcanons and stuff now) they really bond and he asks her to join him. She refuses but was really close to accepting and she refused with tears in her eyes.

More about Morro and his storyline later. I'll post it when I'm done figuring it out, cuz it actually has to follow a plot that makes sense

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