(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Bonus Chapters (3.2) ♥

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For all I knew, it could just be some drunk gibberish.

Shaking my head, I stalked towards the kitchen, slapping myself lightly to bring myself back to my senses.

"She's going to drive me fvcking insane." I sighed, rewinding back to tonight's events as the soup boiled. Being the fragrance sensitive person I was, I could tell apart various scents floating around in the kitchen, now that all my attention wasn't taken up by Y/N's drunk antics.

There was the mellow, savoury aroma of the boiling soup that hung in the air, along with lingering traces of the unpleasant smell of alcohol, and then the rivetingly familiar scent of Y/N that still thrived on my clothes and sat on my skin, blending perfectly with my cologne.

Almost instinctively, I let my eyes flutter close as I sucked in a breath, my body reacting strongly and painfully to the fragrance that every single sense of mine had grown so attuned to.

With a frustrated groan I pushed my fingers through my hair, my brain refusing to cooperate with me as it replayed every single touch I'd shared with Y/N in the past few hours. No wonder her fragrance had rubbed off all over my body. The girl had practically straddled me for an hour straight!


I felt icky and nauseous.

Kicking off the covers, I hobbled towards the bathroom feeling a sudden urge to wash my face. Now that the high of the alcohol was wearing off, the fact that I, despite never having drunk before, had dared to drink three full glasses of soju was slowly beginning to sink in. My face prickled, suddenly feeling extremely itchy as I squinted at myself in the huge mirror. My cheeks were beginning to turn uncomfortably red as my heart throbbed with sudden anxiety.

After successfully having avoided Jungkook seeing me like this for almost a year, was I really going to have to go through the embarrassment of him seeing me at my worst again?

All of the insobriety immediately drained out of my body at the thought, leaving utter panic in its wake.

I had to get this shit under control before Jungkook came searching for me. I glared at my reflection moodily before wetting my hands with the cold water and slapping them onto my face.

Yep, I was the stupid one for drinking when I knew exactly how bad alcohol was for me but I decided I would admonish myself for my actions later.

Quickly washing my face, I frowned edging closer to the mirror to get a better look at my face. My skin was a lot better ever since I'd started caring for it properly. Monthly appointments with the best dermatologist at SNU College of Medicine helped as well.

Only nothing could cure my Rosacea completely and it kept on flaring from time to time; and it was especially at times like these that my disease frustrated me the most.

"Y/N, are you inside?" Jungkook's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as I panicked. I was out of bed despite him warning me not to move. That couldn't end well.

"Ye-yep." I squeaked, desperately looking around trying to come up with a valid excuse. If he came in, I was doomed. One, because I'd dared to disobey him after he'd so generously carried my pathetically drunk ass back home and two, because, I really did not want him to see me like this—red cheeked, hungover and with a bird's nest on top of my head.

My eyes fell on Jungkook and I's robes hanging on the wall. Without a second thought, I hastily pulled the silk nightdress off my head, lunging for the pink robe and wrapping it around myself.

I could just pretend that I wanted to take a shower.

"You're taking way too long. I'm coming in." Jungkook called from outside as I immediately kicked the dress out of view, my eyes doing a double take as I accidentally caught a glimpse of my panties.

A Touch Of Love | J.JK ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя