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I'm confused.

I'm doing nothing the whole day besides from learning and reading stories.

But people often ask my what I did the last months, how I've been holding up. And I seriously have no  answer.

I'm normally doing so much everyday. Sports, playing an instrument, reading... And now nothing.

I can watch the time pass. I can feel it under my fingertips flooding away from me.

But I can't do anything. I'm bound to my body which tells me to stand still, to let things stay that way.

I'm not more sad than usually, I am not more happy. It's always the same.

I feel the need to do nothing, which satisfies me in that moment. But afterwards nothing is there.

If you'd ask me what I did the last three months, I'd ask you if it were seriously three bloody months.

Time is standing still for me, but still moving so fast. It's something I don't understand, something I can't put into words.

I'm just hoping for everything to feel normal again, to feel happy again, to go outside and laugh from the bottom of my heart.

I hope all changes, but the progress stays.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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