chapter eight

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"Sorry," I mumbled.

I heard Alex chuckle, which was music to my ears, "It's fine, Lexi." He held his hand out in front of me. "Come on." I placed my hand in his hand lightly, and we started walking downstairs.

" I placed my hand in his hand lightly, and we started walking downstairs

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Alex was leading me down. I saw Alex's friend's very annoyed face from the balcony. I could hear Nicole bragging about her money, her looks, her body, etc., like always. Once his friends saw me, their eyes lit up.

"Aww." Connor cooed. "It's the teddy bear that Alex bought for her." He was eyeing the teddy bear in my left arm while my right hand was still holding Dylan's.

"What?!" Nicole screeched. "Alex, why didn't you get me anything?" She stomped her foot on the polished floor like a 2-year-old.

Alexander shrugged with a bored expression, "I don't have to."

I let go of Alex's hand and poked his side with my index finger, "Al, I'm going to the kitchen."

His head immediately snapped towards me, "Okay." He had a small smile on his lips. I don't know why, "Oh, and while you're at it, can you bring me back a bottle of water?" I nodded my head and slipped myself into the kitchen.

I grabbed a granola bar and a bottle of water and walked back to Alex. I could eat a whole feast, and I'd still be hungry. I handed Alex the water, which he mumbled a "thanks" for.


It was finally a Monday. That means I have to get up and go to work. That Saturday night had been hectic as hell. On Sunday, which was yesterday, Alex spent the whole day watching tv with me. I told him he didn't have to, but he refused to take no for an answer because he's way too stubborn.

I walked downstairs with my Nike backpack around my shoulders. I sat on the stool, where I was greeted by the rest of Alex's gang in the kitchen. I ate a bowl of cereal today. Alex's gang was already up for training.

I talked with Alex for a little bit before I had to go. I got in my BMW and drove to work. I instantly got welcomed by my group of workers.


The day was finally over. The lot was practically empty since other associates were leaving. Suddenly three guys came out of nowhere with a sack and tape. They quickly grabbed me and shoved me into who knows what mobile.

It was what I assumed was a 30 or so-minute drive. I was tied in a chair outside of the cells when I realized my surroundings. I realized it must be Alex's cell that he owns and where he keeps the bad guys because I saw the same guy that Alex and I had caught on Friday night in one of the cells.

"Who the fuck are you three?" I spat.

"That's none of your concern, pumpkin." One of the three guys said. They sounded oddly familiar, and I could not put my finger on who they were. The only reason I couldn't figure out who they were was that they're wearing a stupid mask.

I scowled because of the nickname, "Don't call me that. Only Alex calls me that."

"We can call you something else if you'd like." Another one said, putting his hand on my thigh.

"All of you. . .Go. To. Hell." I snarled.

The third man punched me in the stomach. That's definitely going to leave a bruise. I heard the boys say they were going to use the bathroom. I definitely didn't need to hear that. I used my apple watch and scrolled down my contacts to Alex's number.

Alexander Kingston

Lexi should be home. I just got done doing our meetings. What's odd was three of my members were missing. I walked upstairs since we were on the first floor. I looked around, and there was no sign of Lexi, and it's 3:53 pm.

"Guys!" I hollered.

"What's up, mate?" Ethan asked curiously after seeing my panicky state.

"Alexandra! She didn't come back!" I felt my phone ring. All of a sudden, her name popped up on my screen. I instantly answered it. "Lexi! Are you oka-"

But something else caught my attention.

"Alex will never find you, dear Alexandra." a voice said on the other line. I put my phone on speaker for my friends to listen to.

"The first place he'll look is in the damn cells, you miscreant." I heard Alexandra say.

"We're his most trusted men." Another voice said. I can't believe my members would do this. "He would never guess it's Marcus, Jackson, and Chase." I hung up the call immediately.

"Grab your damn guns; we're going to the cells."

I was outraged. I am going to end them.

Alexandra Montgomery

The boys left again to get food, so I raised my hands in the air and collided them with my chest to make the zip ties break. As soon as I broke free, the three boys stopped talking and looked at me. I immediately started fighting those three guys off, and I won.

I slowly backed away until I ran into something. I turned around in a fighting position but relaxed when I saw Alex. I instantly hugged him tighter than I ever have. He hugged me back as well but tighter.

"How were you able to call me?" Alexander asked.

I lifted the sleeve of my jacket on my right arm. I showed him my apple watch, "My apple watch. I never leave without it for this very reason."

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