48 hours to the next bombing...

After Yue found Wang Yi Bo's graduation photo, there was a statewide search for him. It was a frenzy.

Clues led them to believe that his next plan was to bomb either his former working place or his own neighborhood.

Didi was adamant to do a parole in Wang Yi Bo's neighbourhood but Yue thought it was a waste of time.

"We can get the patrol officers to do so, Wang. I think we need to interview Prof Yan again."

"If you asked me, that is a waste of time. Wang Yi Bo got mad because he did not get the scholarship he was supposed to. We also know he was dismissed from his previous job. He is definitely going after the people who had ridiculed him."

Yue frowned. "That is a long list and knowing him, he is not going to be that personal to hit on everyone. He would pick a location..."

"Or another person on the list. Just like Prof Yan."

"He wants to make a statement. We need to know what his motive is."

"Officer Shen! Forget about his motive! If we had a better profile, we would know his whereabouts by now!"

Silence filled the room immediately. Didi shifted his feet.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was just saying that—-"

Yue cleared her throat. "I get it. Officer Wang, why don't you go with your gut feelings and check on his neighbourhood? Interview some old neighbours or his school teachers. I will talk to Prof Yan one more time."

"Shen—-" he started but Yue already left the room.

Peng and Yu Zheng looked sharply at Didi.

"What? We were just discussing."

Peng shook his head. "That was disrespectful. She saved your life."

Didi wanted to respond that he saved hers but the argument could go on for days, like the chicken and egg story.

"You were mean, Didi. Make it up to her." Yu Zheng said.

"I said sorry, didn't I?"

"Dumbass! Sorry is not everything. Make her feel better. We know she is doing her best. Tell her you trust her."

"What if I still think I was right?"

"Who cares who is right? We just want to catch Wang Yi Bo. Sometimes Officer Wang, your ego is just over the top."

"Where are you going, Yu Zheng?"

His friend snickered. "Get lunch for boss. Didn't you notice? She hadn't eaten anything since this morning."

"Yu Zheng. I will do it." Didi said quietly. His short fuse was well-known but to unleash it upon her was unreasonable.

"You sure? Don't rub more salt on her wound."

"Okay, I heard you! Let me do it right for her, okay?"

Yu Zheng smiled. "That's more like it."

Didi found her in the green space area, next to the cafeteria, quietly drinking her Americano. She met his eyes when he stood in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Shen. That was out of line." Didi quickly said, handing a paper bag to her. "I got lunch for you since you didn't eat."

She smiled, wanly. "You are such a jerk, Officer Wang. But apologies accepted. And you are right."

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