,, - once upon a time... and our ending

Start from the beginning

yumi knew they were all here, and so, behind the door, she turned her head towards you guys, giving each and every one of you a little look of 'good luck'. though all of you weren't really in teyvat at the moment, your souls were all together, snickering and laughing, happy to be able to meet them all.

yumi hushed some of you down. "shhh don't be too noisy, i know some of yall are excited."

"we are."

"always will be excited!"

"will scaramouche do the fandango now?"


yumi covered her hand over one of your mouths, keeping you quiet while the rest of you snickered in response. "shhhhhh, he'll hear you."

"well good," one of you said. "that way he can marry me."

another one of you nudged the other young soul beside you. "hey i asked first!"

"no i did!"

"NO ME!"

"i just want xiao-"


yumi sighed and immediately pushed opened the door, and to the boys' surprise, all of you flew out as individual souls, flying around the big room.

needless to say, the boys were all astounded. xiao stood up, touching a few of you by the tips of your souls. albedo and kaeya were watching in awe as all of you flew around, carefully floating around the boys you liked. a few of you flew over to the liyue boys; and a few of you towards the mondstadt boys.

the soft whispers from your souls were whispering to them, and xiao couldn't help but smile when he saw how cutely shapen all of you were in the soul form. he didn't know what to say, he just petted all of you on the head, making some of you busy in the process.

"yumi what..." diluc started as one of you kept pressing against his cheek. he chuckled and slightly nudged you away so he could talk, still allowing you to stick to him. "who are these small souls?"

"by right, they are my readers, but by my heart, they are my kids." yumi said. all your souls danced around the boys happily, no longer wishing to part. some of you were already talking with childe and scaramouche, practically begging him to do a dance called the fandango. others of you were just gawking over diluc, kaeya, zhongli and venti, who were all quite amused with all of you.

"they are... really cute in this shape... are they real?" chongyun asked, poking one of you on the nose. "or are they just... lost souls?"

"they aren't lost," yumi replied, pulling one of you back towards her before releasing her fingers to let you fly. "they belong inside that big book of secrets, and they have each other. they're all one big family, and they never get lost."

albedo was taking his time examining each and everyone of you. there were just so many different types of you, some were tall some were small; some were rough-looking and some were soft. he patted some of you, which threw most of you into a hyper frenzy.

xiao on the other hand, was getting tackle hugged by many of you, which prompted diluc to laugh as his own brother was slowly getting crawled all over.


"xiao please marry me!"

"albedo marry me too ahhh!"

"n-no hornii guys!"


"ahhh venti you're too cute!"

神. ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now