Episode 12

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Before you read this chapter of this fanfic, be sure that you have read ALL previous chapters. I know many people will skip to Episode 12 to see THE scene. But most of their reactions will be dependent on their character development shown in the previous chapters. And if you did skip these chapters, be sure to be ready for the changed personalities of different characters. I am not forcing you to do so but it is much better if you did.

Also better read this while watching the ACTUAL episode. I don't know, when I was writing this chapter and watching the episode at the same time, it felt unique. I HIGHLY recommend doing the same! Thank you!


" Das Genie wohnt nur eine Etage höher als der Wahnsinn. "

"A Genius Lives Only One Storey Above Madness."

Parerga und Paralipomena by Arthur Schopenhauer

[Setting: Forest]


[Mio going to their rendezvous point.]

Mio Ibuki (Monologue): What?

Mio Ibuki: Ibuki here.

Mio Ibuki: I've acquired Class D's key card, as directed.

[Setting: Class A camp]

Kōhei Katsuragi: Yes. Yes. I see. We'll meet up there.

Kōhei Katsuragi: Class A's final points will be 544. 350 points ahead of Class B.

[Sakayanagi dropping out (-30 SP), Spot misuse (-50 SP), 16 spot occupation (+274 SP), Naming Class D's leader (+50 SP)]

Kōhei Katsuragi: ... And ahead of Class D by ... an overwhelming number.

Hashimoto: So Ibuki is reporting to Katsuragi.

Kamuro: I do guess that there was benefit to joining forces with Class C.

Ryuen: Kukuku. Now there is no way that Class D will get class points. Even if they did, it will only be a small margin between our class and theirs.

Matsushita: He's right. And we are doing well enough.

Yukimura: Katsuragi is right, it is possible that Class D will be last place.

Horikita: I don't think that will be the case.

Hirata: What do you mean, Horikita-san?

Kushida: Ayanokoji's plan is going well. This is not yet the end.

Ibuki: What can he do? We all know he is capable of actually manipulating your class in the shadows, but we got your key card. So what can he do at this point?

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