Episode 8

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" Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate "

"Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here."

Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri


It is the start of a new day. In these past two days, two mysterious students that are said to be from an alternate world came to shine light to their past, present and future. And such today is the day the anime's final arc will be shown.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, our main protagonist, had just locked up his dorm room and was about to go inside the elevator. As the elevator door opened, he saw two of his classmates.

Kushida: Ah, Ayanokoji-kun! Good morning!

Horikita: Good morning, Ayanokoji-kun.

Ayanokoji: Morning.

Ayanokoji went inside the elevator and it began its descent to the ground floor.

Kushida: Hey, Suzune, Niko told me yesterday that we will be watching the final few episodes of the anime today.

Horikita: I see. So it will finally be over, Kikyo. Right, Ayanokoji-kun?

Ayanokoji: Y-yeah... Wait, when did these two start calling each by their first names?

Both Kushida and Horikita noticed Ayanokoji's surprised expression.

Kushida: You are surprised that we are calling ourselves by our first name?

Ayanokoji: Yes. I remembered that during Episode 6 you guys aren't like this, what happened?

Horikita: I have no obligation to tell you.

Kushida: Suzune! We talked about this in my room last night, remember? You should treat people nicer. Or else, people will not be friends with you.

Horikita: I-i see... Okay Kikyo. Sorry Ayanokoji-kun for my abrupt statement.

Ayanokoji: It's okay, I am used to it now. But I am not used to Suzu- I mean Horikita being this nice to people. I guess this is also a refreshing experience indeed.

When the elevator arrived at the ground floor, the three started walking to their classroom.

Ayanokoji: Hee. So you guys became friends yesterday.

Kushida: Yup! You should have seen Suzune yesterday. She was so cute when she asked me to be her friend.

Horikita: Kikyo! I told not to tell anyone about yesterday! Humpf, you're such a tease!

Kushida: Ehehe. Anyway, Ayanokoji-kun, I heard that Hiroshi was able to talk to you yesterday, I am wondering what he talked to you about?

Ayanokoji was quiet about this. Not that he doesn't want to answer the question but he didn't find his answer yet to Hiroshi's last question.

Without thinking of how useful they are to you, if a person would ask you to be his / her friend, will you accept it?

He decided to wait before answering this answer. The reason? It is just his heart that says so. The last remaining rays of humanity that he thought no longer exist that are still there this entire time.

Horikita: Kiyotaka, Kiyotaka!

Ayanokoji: *snaps from his thoughts* Yes? Hm? Did you just call me by my first name?

React!: Classroom of the EliteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz