Episode 4

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"Il ne faut pas s'offenser que les autres nous cachent la vérité. puisque nous nous la cachons si souvent à nous-mêmes"

"We Should Not be Upset that Others Hide the Truth from Us, When We Hide it from Ourselves."

Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims by François de La Rochefoucauld.


Kushida: I know it is a lot to take in, most especially you always see me as the cheerful one in the group, but I want to know, what do you guys think of me?

All of Class D remained silent as they tried their best to come up with the best response for that question. Unfortunately, nobody knows how as they also don't want to hurt her feelings as well.

Tanaguchi: I guess they are still thinking hard about it. I can't blame them, after knowing that and also comparing it to what they always see of her.

Niko: Yeah, me as well. To be honest, I also feel bad for Kushida though.

Tanaguchi was surprised by what Niko said. He didn't expect Niko to feel that way.

Niko: She may have been a bitch this entire time, I still somewhat feel some sympathy for her. I feel that inside that happy, cheerful and joyful shell lies a sad and lonely version of herself. Kind reminds me of myself sometimes.

Tanaguchi: *look at Niko who is looking at the ground* Niko-chan...

Niko: Although I don't expect anyone to feel the same way as me though me. Anybody else who watched the show or read the light novel has already told many things on why Kushida is the worst character ever. But I just can't help to feel sad for someone who is like that.

Tanaguchi: Yeah, you're that kind of person after all. Besides, you're not the only one. *points at somebody*

Niko looked at where Tanaguchi pointed his finger to see Ike standing up, about to say something.

Ike: Kushida-chan... um...

Kushida: What is it, Ike-kun? What do you want to say?

Everyone started looking at Ike. Some are saying to go for it, while others say do not as they don't trust him well.

Ike: I just want to say that no matter what happened, our opinion of you will never change.

Kushida: *looks up from the ground and to Ike with a shocked face* Eh?

Everyone: EH?!

Shinohara: What the heck are you saying?! Didn't you just see what Kushida was that time?!

Ike: Of course I did, I was paying attention to that this entire time. From what she did to Ayanokoji and also her hatred for Horikita. But isn't it normal for someone to hide something from everyone?

Everyone was surprised at what Ike said. Of all the people to defend Kushida right now, Ike of all people is something they never imagined.

Ike: Earlier I was sacred as well as you guys, to see that same Kushida we all loved and known to be actually fake is really terrifying. But I remembered what Tanaguchi said to us yesterday, all of us here in Class D have some kind of defective trait.

Hirata: He's right. Like what Tanaguchi and Ike said, everyone has some kind of secret that nobody wants to see and that same secret is also the reason why all of us here are in Class D. And that also exists with Kushida here.

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